Here are some common Cascading Style Sheets syntaxes:

1. Selector:
   selector {
     property: value;

2. Multiple Selectors:
   selector1, selector2 {
     property: value;

3. Class Selector:
   .class-name {
     property: value;

4. ID Selector:
   #id-name {
     property: value;

5. Universal Selector:
   * {
     property: value;

6. Descendant Selector:
   parent-selector descendant-selector {
     property: value;

7. Child Selector:
   parent-selector > child-selector {
     property: value;

8. Adjacent Sibling Selector:
   element1 + element2 {
     property: value;

9. General Sibling Selector:
   element1 ~ element2 {
     property: value;

10. Attribute Selector:
    [attribute=value] {
      property: value;

11. Pseudo-class Selector:
    selector:pseudo-class {
      property: value;

12. Pseudo-element Selector:
    selector::pseudo-element {
      property: value;

13. Media Query:
    @media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
      selector {
        property: value;

14. Keyframe Animation:
    @keyframes animation-name {
      0% {
        property: value;
      50% {
        property: value;
      100% {
        property: value;

15. Importing External Stylesheets:
    @import url("path/to/stylesheet.css");

These are just a few examples of CSS syntaxes. CSS offers a wide range of selectors, properties, and values to style web pages.

16. Box Model:
    selector {
      margin: value;
      padding: value;
      border: value;

17. Display Property:
    selector {
      display: value;

18. Positioning:
    selector {
      position: value;
      top: value;
      bottom: value;
      left: value;
      right: value;

19. Float Property:
    selector {
      float: value;

20. Typography:
    selector {
      font-family: value;
      font-size: value;
      font-weight: value;
      text-align: value;
      color: value;
      text-decoration: value;

21. Background:
    selector {
      background-color: value;
      background-image: value;
      background-repeat: value;
      background-position: value;

22. Box Shadow:
    selector {
      box-shadow: value;

23. Transitions:
    selector {
      transition-property: value;
      transition-duration: value;
      transition-timing-function: value;
      transition-delay: value;

24. Flexbox:
    selector {
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: value;
      justify-content: value;
      align-items: value;

25. Grid Layout:
    selector {
      display: grid;
      grid-template-columns: value;
      grid-template-rows: value;
      grid-gap: value;
      justify-items: value;
      align-items: value;

These are just a few more examples of CSS syntaxes. CSS is a powerful styling language with many properties and values available to customize the appearance and layout of web pages.

26. Box Sizing:
    selector {
      box-sizing: value;

27. Overflow:
    selector {
      overflow: value;

28. Opacity:
    selector {
      opacity: value;

29. Transform:
    selector {
      transform: value;

30. Z-Index:
    selector {
      z-index: value;

31. List Styling:
    selector {
      list-style-type: value;

32. Cursor:
    selector {
      cursor: value;

33. Outline:
    selector {
      outline: value;

34. Text Overflow:
    selector {
      text-overflow: value;

35. User Select:
    selector {
      user-select: value;

36. Transition Property:
    selector {
      transition-property: value;

37. Flex Item Alignment:
    selector {
      align-self: value;
      order: value;

38. Grid Template Areas:
    selector {
      grid-template-areas: value;

39. Flexbox Ordering:
    selector {
      order: value;

40. Animation Property:
    selector {
      animation-name: value;
      animation-duration: value;
      animation-timing-function: value;
      animation-delay: value;
      animation-iteration-count: value;
      animation-direction: value;
      animation-fill-mode: value;
      animation-play-state: value;

These additional CSS syntaxes provide more ways to manipulate the appearance and behavior of elements on a web page.

41. Grid Column and Row:
    selector {
      grid-column: value;
      grid-row: value;

42. CSS Variables:
    :root {
      --variable-name: value;
    selector {
      property: var(--variable-name);

43. Flexbox Alignment:
    selector {
      align-items: value;
      justify-content: value;

44. Filter:
    selector {
      filter: value;

45. Border Radius:
    selector {
      border-radius: value;

46. Aspect Ratio:
    selector {
      aspect-ratio: value;

47. Grid Template:
    selector {
      grid-template-columns: value;
      grid-template-rows: value;
      grid-template-areas: value;

48. Scroll Snap:
    selector {
      scroll-snap-type: value;

49. Perspective:
    selector {
      perspective: value;

50. Writing Mode:
    selector {
      writing-mode: value;

51. Object Fit:
    selector {
      object-fit: value;

52. Text Shadow:
    selector {
      text-shadow: value;

These additional CSS syntaxes provide even more ways to style and manipulate elements on a web page. CSS offers a vast range of options to customize the visual presentation and behavior of web content.

53. Grid Area:
    selector {
      grid-area: value;

54. Column Gap and Row Gap:
    selector {
      column-gap: value;
      row-gap: value;

55. Shape Outside:
    selector {
      shape-outside: value;

56. Perspective Origin:
    selector {
      perspective-origin: value;

57. Text-Align Last:
    selector {
      text-align-last: value;

58. Backdrop Filter:
    selector {
      backdrop-filter: value;

59. Scroll Behavior:
    selector {
      scroll-behavior: value;

60. Grid Auto Columns and Rows:
    selector {
      grid-auto-columns: value;
      grid-auto-rows: value;

61. Tab Size:
    selector {
      tab-size: value;

62. Mix Blend Mode:
    selector {
      mix-blend-mode: value;

63. Word Break:
    selector {
      word-break: value;

64. Object Position:
    selector {
      object-position: value;

These CSS syntaxes provide additional ways to control the layout, effects, and behavior of elements on a web page. CSS offers a vast array of properties and values to meet various styling needs and create visually appealing and interactive web experiences.

65. Grid Auto Flow:
    selector {
      grid-auto-flow: value;

66. Image Filtering:
    selector {
      filter: value;

67. Animation Keyframes:
    @keyframes animation-name {
      from {
        property: value;
      to {
        property: value;

68. Columns:
    selector {
      columns: value;

69. Contain:
    selector {
      contain: value;

70. Image Masking:
    selector {
      mask-image: value;

71. Grid Line Names:
    selector {
      grid-template-areas: "name1 name2";
      grid-template-columns: [name1] value1 [name2] value2;

72. Text-Orientation:
    selector {
      text-orientation: value;

73. Overscroll Behavior:
    selector {
      overscroll-behavior: value;

74. Column Span:
    selector {
      column-span: value;

75. Image Rendering:
    selector {
      image-rendering: value;

These additional CSS syntaxes expand the possibilities of how you can style and control elements on a web page. CSS offers a rich set of features to create dynamic layouts, apply effects, and enhance the visual presentation of web content.

76. Text-Justify:
    selector {
      text-justify: value;

77. Column Fill:
    selector {
      column-fill: value;

78. Backface Visibility:
    selector {
      backface-visibility: value;

79. Scroll Snap Alignment:
    selector {
      scroll-snap-align: value;

80. Image-Orientation:
    selector {
      image-orientation: value;

81. Column Count:
    selector {
      column-count: value;

82. Column Width:
    selector {
      column-width: value;

83. Hanging Punctuation:
    selector {
      hanging-punctuation: value;

84. Break Word:
    selector {
      word-break: break-word;

85. Text Emphasis:
    selector {
      text-emphasis: value;

86. Pointer Events:
    selector {
      pointer-events: value;

87. Text Decoration Style:
    selector {
      text-decoration-style: value;

88. Text Decoration Line:
    selector {
      text-decoration-line: value;

These CSS syntaxes provide additional ways to fine-tune and customize the appearance and behavior of elements on a web page. CSS offers an extensive range of properties and values to create stunning and engaging web designs.

89. Line Clamping:
    selector {
      display: -webkit-box;
      -webkit-line-clamp: value;
      -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
      overflow: hidden;

90. Text Overflow Ellipsis:
    selector {
      text-overflow: ellipsis;
      white-space: nowrap;
      overflow: hidden;

91. Counter Increment:
    selector::before {
      counter-increment: counter-name;
      content: counter(counter-name);

92. Counter Reset:
    selector {
      counter-reset: counter-name;

93. Transform Origin:
    selector {
      transform-origin: value;

94. Text Transform:
    selector {
      text-transform: value;

95. Columns Span:
    selector {
      column-span: value;

96. Shape Margin:
    selector {
      shape-margin: value;

97. Filter Functions:
    selector {
      filter: function(value);

98. Object Fit:
    selector {
      object-fit: value;

99. Font Face:
    @font-face {
      font-family: 'Font Name';
      src: url('font-file.woff2') format('woff2'),
           url('font-file.woff') format('woff');
      font-weight: normal;
      font-style: normal;

100. Custom CSS Properties:
    selector {
      --custom-property: value;
      property: var(--custom-property);

These additional CSS syntaxes offer more ways to control and enhance the styling and layout of web pages. CSS provides a rich set of features to create visually appealing and interactive user interfaces.

101. Scrollbar Styling:
    selector {
      scrollbar-width: value;
      scrollbar-color: value;

102. CSS Grid Gap:
    selector {
      gap: value;

103. Image Gradients:
    selector {
      background-image: linear-gradient(value);

104. CSS Calc():
    selector {
      width: calc(expression);

105. Object Fit:
    selector {
      object-fit: value;

106. CSS Flexbox Ordering:
    selector {
      order: value;

107. Text-Orientation:
    selector {
      text-orientation: value;

108. CSS Variables Interpolation:
    selector {
      property: var(--variable-name);

109. CSS :not() Selector:
    selector:not(other-selector) {
      property: value;

110. Image Opacity:
    selector {
      opacity: value;

111. CSS Overflow Wrap:
    selector {
      overflow-wrap: value;

112. CSS Perspective:
    selector {
      perspective: value;

113. CSS Flex Shorthand:
    selector {
      flex: value;

114. CSS @supports Rule:
    @supports (condition) {
      selector {
        property: value;

115. CSS :checked Selector:
    input:checked {
      property: value;

These additional CSS syntaxes provide even more versatility and control over the styling and behavior of web pages. CSS offers a wide range of features and selectors to create visually stunning and responsive designs.

116. CSS :focus Selector:
    selector:focus {
      property: value;

117. CSS Box Decoration Break:
    selector {
      box-decoration-break: value;

118. CSS Column Rule:
    selector {
      column-rule-width: value;
      column-rule-style: value;
      column-rule-color: value;

119. CSS Perspective Origin:
    selector {
      perspective-origin: value;

120. CSS Writing Mode:
    selector {
      writing-mode: value;

121. CSS Animation-fill-mode:
    selector {
      animation-fill-mode: value;

122. CSS Content Property:
    selector::before {
      content: "value";

123. CSS Page Break:
    selector {
      page-break-before: value;
      page-break-after: value;
      page-break-inside: value;

124. CSS Initial Value:
    selector {
      property: initial;

125. CSS Pseudo-Elements:
    selector::pseudo-element {
      property: value;

126. CSS @media Rule:
    @media (condition) {
      selector {
        property: value;

127. CSS Grayscale Filter:
    selector {
      filter: grayscale(value);

128. CSS Text Stroke:
    selector {
      -webkit-text-stroke: value;
      text-stroke: value;

129. CSS nth-child Selector:
    selector:nth-child(n) {
      property: value;

130. CSS Initial Letter:
    selector::first-letter {
      property: value;

These CSS syntaxes offer further possibilities to customize and style web pages according to specific requirements. CSS provides a rich toolkit for designing visually appealing and interactive user interfaces.

131. CSS Shape Inside:
    selector {
      shape-inside: value;

132. CSS Target Selector:
    :target {
      property: value;

133. CSS Math Functions:
    selector {
      property: calc(expression);

134. CSS Column Break:
    selector {
      column-break-before: value;
      column-break-after: value;
      column-break-inside: value;

135. CSS Overflow Anchor:
    selector {
      overflow-anchor: value;

136. CSS Box Shadow:
    selector {
      box-shadow: value;

137. CSS Counter Styles:
    @counter-style counter-name {
      symbols: value;
      system: value;
      /* Additional properties */

138. CSS Quotes:
    selector::before {
      quotes: "open-quote" "close-quote";

139. CSS Grid Area:
    selector {
      grid-area: value;

140. CSS Text Align Last:
    selector {
      text-align-last: value;

141. CSS Inheritance:
    selector {
      property: inherit;

142. CSS Breakpoints:
    @media (min-width: value) {
      selector {
        property: value;

143. CSS Isolation:
    selector {
      isolation: isolate;

144. CSS Text Decoration Color:
    selector {
      text-decoration-color: value;

145. CSS Pointer Events:
    selector {
      pointer-events: value;

These additional CSS syntaxes provide more options for precise control over the appearance and behavior of web elements. CSS empowers developers to create engaging and responsive web designs with its extensive range of features and selectors.

146. CSS Aspect Ratio:
    selector {
      aspect-ratio: value;

147. CSS Animation Timing Function:
    selector {
      animation-timing-function: value;

148. CSS Outline:
    selector {
      outline-width: value;
      outline-style: value;
      outline-color: value;

149. CSS User Select:
    selector {
      user-select: value;

150. CSS Backdrop Filter:
    selector {
      backdrop-filter: value;

151. CSS Overflow Clip Box:
    selector {
      overflow-clip-box: value;

152. CSS Variables in Media Queries:
    @media (--custom-variable: value) {
      selector {
        property: value;

153. CSS Scroll Snap Type:
    selector {
      scroll-snap-type: value;

154. CSS Break Inside:
    selector {
      break-inside: value;

155. CSS Custom Selectors:
    @custom-selector --custom-selector-name selector;

156. CSS Ruby Annotations:
    selector::ruby-text {
      ruby-align: value;
      ruby-merge: value;

157. CSS Appearance:
    selector {
      appearance: value;

158. CSS Image Orientation:
    selector {
      image-orientation: value;

159. CSS Inset Box Shadow:
    selector {
      box-shadow: inset value;

160. CSS Target Context:
    :target-context(selector) {
      property: value;

These CSS syntaxes offer even more possibilities for fine-tuning and enhancing the design and functionality of web pages. CSS provides a vast array of features and selectors to create visually stunning and interactive user experiences.

161. CSS Writing Mode:
    selector {
      writing-mode: value;

162. CSS Counter Increment:
    selector::before {
      counter-increment: counter-name;
      content: counter(counter-name);

163. CSS Grid Template Areas:
    selector {
      grid-template-areas: "name1 name2";

164. CSS Text Decoration Line:
    selector {
      text-decoration-line: value;

165. CSS Variable Interpolation:
    selector {
      property: var(--custom-variable);

166. CSS Pseudo-Class:
    selector:pseudo-class {
      property: value;

167. CSS Writing Mode:
    selector {
      writing-mode: value;

168. CSS Unicode Range:
    @font-face {
      unicode-range: U+0020-007E;
      /* Specify the font properties */

169. CSS Custom Property Setters:
    selector {
      --custom-property: value;
      /* Additional custom properties */

170. CSS Math Functions:
    selector {
      property: calc(expression);

171. CSS Grid Template Columns and Rows:
    selector {
      grid-template-columns: value;
      grid-template-rows: value;

172. CSS Animation Delay:
    selector {
      animation-delay: value;

173. CSS Shape Image Threshold:
    selector {
      shape-image-threshold: value;

174. CSS Backdrop Filter:
    selector {
      backdrop-filter: value;

175. CSS Perspective:
    selector {
      perspective: value;

These CSS syntaxes provide additional flexibility and functionality for creating stylish and interactive web designs. CSS offers a wide range of features and selectors to cater to various design requirements and enhance the user experience.

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