Command Prompt Syntaxes for Microsoft Windows Server

Here are some common command prompt syntaxes for Microsoft Windows Server:

1. `cd`: Change directory
   - Syntax: `cd [directory_path]`
   - Example: `cd C:\Users\Administrator`

2. `dir`: List directory contents
   - Syntax: `dir [directory_path]`
   - Example: `dir C:\Users\Administrator`

3. `mkdir`: Create a new directory
   - Syntax: `mkdir [directory_name]`
   - Example: `mkdir NewDirectory`

4. `rmdir`: Remove a directory
   - Syntax: `rmdir [directory_name]`
   - Example: `rmdir OldDirectory`

5. `copy`: Copy files or directories
   - Syntax: `copy [source_file] [destination_file]`
   - Example: `copy file.txt C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop`

6. `move`: Move files or directories
   - Syntax: `move [source_file] [destination_file]`
   - Example: `move file.txt C:\Users\Administrator\Documents`

7. `del`: Delete files
   - Syntax: `del [file_name]`
   - Example: `del file.txt`

8. `ipconfig`: Display IP configuration
   - Syntax: `ipconfig`
   - Example: `ipconfig`

9. `ping`: Send a network request to a specific IP address or domain
   - Syntax: `ping [IP_address_or_domain]`
   - Example: `ping`

10. `netstat`: Display network statistics
    - Syntax: `netstat`
    - Example: `netstat`

These are just a few examples of the command prompt syntaxes available in Windows Server. There are many more commands and options available, and you can refer to the Microsoft documentation for a comprehensive list and detailed explanations of each command.

11. `tasklist`: Display a list of currently running processes
    - Syntax: `tasklist`
    - Example: `tasklist`

12. `taskkill`: Terminate a running process
    - Syntax: `taskkill /PID [process_ID]`
    - Example: `taskkill /PID 1234`

13. `schtasks`: Schedule tasks to run at specific times
    - Syntax: `schtasks /create /tn [task_name] /tr [task_command] /sc [schedule]`
    - Example: `schtasks /create /tn BackupTask /tr C:\Scripts\backup.bat /sc daily`

14. `net user`: Manage user accounts
    - Syntax: `net user [username] [password] /add`
    - Example: `net user JohnDoe P@ssw0rd /add`

15. `net group`: Manage user groups
    - Syntax: `net group [group_name] [username] /add`
    - Example: `net group Administrators JohnDoe /add`

16. `gpupdate`: Refresh Group Policy settings
    - Syntax: `gpupdate /force`
    - Example: `gpupdate /force`

17. `chkdsk`: Check a disk for errors
    - Syntax: `chkdsk [drive_letter] /f`
    - Example: `chkdsk C: /f`

18. `sfc`: Scan system files for errors
    - Syntax: `sfc /scannow`
    - Example: `sfc /scannow`

19. `shutdown`: Shutdown or restart the server
    - Syntax: `shutdown /s /t [time_in_seconds]`
    - Example: `shutdown /s /t 60`

20. `systeminfo`: Display detailed system information
    - Syntax: `systeminfo`
    - Example: `systeminfo`

Remember that some of these commands may require administrative privileges to execute successfully. It's always a good practice to refer to the official Microsoft documentation or use the `command /?` syntax to get more information about a specific command and its available options.

21. `wmic`: Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line Utility to retrieve system information and manage system components.
   - Syntax: `wmic [alias] [parameters]`
   - Example: `wmic process list brief`

22. `robocopy`: Robust File Copy utility for copying files and directories with advanced options.
   - Syntax: `robocopy [source] [destination] [file(s)] [options]`
   - Example: `robocopy C:\SourceFolder D:\DestinationFolder /E`

23. `sconfig`: Server Configuration utility for configuring various server settings.
   - Syntax: `sconfig`
   - Example: `sconfig`

24. `netsh`: Network Shell command-line utility for network configuration.
   - Syntax: `netsh [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `netsh interface ipv4 show config`

25. `sc`: Service Control command-line utility for managing Windows services.
   - Syntax: `sc [command] [service_name] [parameters]`
   - Example: `sc query spooler`

26. `wevtutil`: Windows Events Command-line utility for managing event logs.
   - Syntax: `wevtutil [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `wevtutil qe Application /f:text /c:10 /rd:True`

27. `gpresult`: Group Policy Result command-line utility for displaying group policy settings applied to the user or computer.
   - Syntax: `gpresult /r`
   - Example: `gpresult /r`

28. `bcdedit`: Boot Configuration Data Editor command-line utility for managing boot settings.
   - Syntax: `bcdedit [parameters]`
   - Example: `bcdedit /enum`

29. `diskpart`: Disk Partitioning command-line utility for managing disks and volumes.
   - Syntax: `diskpart`
   - Example: `diskpart`

30. `slmgr`: Software Licensing Management Tool command-line utility for managing Windows licenses and activation.
   - Syntax: `slmgr [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `slmgr /dli`

Remember to exercise caution and ensure you have the necessary permissions when using administrative commands or making changes to the system configuration. Always refer to the official Microsoft documentation or use the `command /?` syntax to get more information about a specific command and its available options.

31. `powercfg`: Power Configuration command-line utility for managing power settings.
   - Syntax: `powercfg [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `powercfg -l`

32. `fsutil`: File System Utility command-line tool for managing file systems.
   - Syntax: `fsutil [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `fsutil volume diskfree C:`

33. `sfc`: System File Checker command-line utility for scanning and repairing system files.
   - Syntax: `sfc /scannow`
   - Example: `sfc /scannow`

34. `taskmgr`: Task Manager command-line utility for launching the Task Manager.
   - Syntax: `taskmgr`
   - Example: `taskmgr`

35. `netdom`: Network Domain command-line utility for managing Active Directory domains.
   - Syntax: `netdom [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `netdom query /domain`

36. `wbadmin`: Windows Server Backup command-line utility for managing backups and restores.
   - Syntax: `wbadmin [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `wbadmin start backup -backupTarget:D: -include:C:\Data`

37. `scandisk`: Disk Scanner command-line utility for checking and repairing disk errors.
   - Syntax: `scandisk [drive_letter]`
   - Example: `scandisk C:`

38. `cipher`: Cipher command-line utility for managing encryption and decryption of files and folders.
   - Syntax: `cipher [option] [file/folder]`
   - Example: `cipher /e C:\PrivateFolder`

39. `tasklist`: List running tasks and processes.
   - Syntax: `tasklist`
   - Example: `tasklist`

40. `netstat`: Display active network connections and listening ports.
   - Syntax: `netstat [option]`
   - Example: `netstat -a`

Remember to refer to the official Microsoft documentation or use the `command /?` syntax to get more information about a specific command and its available options.

41. `sconfig`: Server Configuration utility for configuring server settings.
   - Syntax: `sconfig`
   - Example: `sconfig`

42. `wmic`: Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line Utility to manage system resources and services.
   - Syntax: `wmic [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `wmic logicaldisk get caption`

43. `dism`: Deployment Image Servicing and Management command-line tool for servicing Windows images.
   - Syntax: `dism [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth`

44. `netsh`: Network Shell command-line utility for network configuration.
   - Syntax: `netsh [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `netsh interface ipv4 show config`

45. `manage-bde`: BitLocker Drive Encryption command-line tool for managing BitLocker-protected drives.
   - Syntax: `manage-bde [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `manage-bde -status`

46. `winrm`: Windows Remote Management command-line utility for configuring remote management settings.
   - Syntax: `winrm [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `winrm get winrm/config`

47. `net share`: Manage shared resources on the server.
   - Syntax: `net share [share_name]=[folder_path]`
   - Example: `net share SharedFolder=C:\Shared`

48. `dcdiag`: Domain Controller Diagnostic command-line utility for diagnosing domain controller issues.
   - Syntax: `dcdiag /[TestName] /[parameter]`
   - Example: `dcdiag /test:DNS /v`

49. `nltest`: Network Location Test command-line utility for managing trust relationships between domains.
   - Syntax: `nltest [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `nltest /sc_query:domain`

50. `wevtutil`: Windows Events Command-line utility for managing event logs.
   - Syntax: `wevtutil [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `wevtutil qe Application /f:text /c:10 /rd:True`

Please note that some commands may require administrative privileges to execute successfully. Always refer to the official Microsoft documentation or use the `command /?` syntax to get more information about a specific command and its available options.

51. `gpupdate`: Group Policy Update command-line utility for applying Group Policy settings.
   - Syntax: `gpupdate [/target:{computer|user}] [/force] [/wait:<value>]`
   - Example: `gpupdate /target:computer /force`

52. `net use`: Connects or disconnects a computer from a shared resource.
   - Syntax: `net use [drive_letter:] \\computer_name\share_name [password] /user:[domain_name\]user_name`
   - Example: `net use Z: \\server\share /user:DOMAIN\username`

53. `auditpol`: Audit Policy command-line utility for managing audit policies on the server.
   - Syntax: `auditpol /set /subcategory:"<subcategory>" [/success:{enable|disable}] [/failure:{enable|disable}]`
   - Example: `auditpol /set /subcategory:"Logon/Logoff" /success:enable`

54. `qwinsta`: Query Session command-line utility for displaying information about Remote Desktop sessions.
   - Syntax: `qwinsta [session_name] [/server:server_name]`
   - Example: `qwinsta /server:server_name`

55. `sconfig`: Server Configuration utility for configuring various server settings.
   - Syntax: `sconfig`
   - Example: `sconfig`

56. `regedit`: Registry Editor command-line utility for editing the Windows Registry.
   - Syntax: `regedit`
   - Example: `regedit`

57. `wmic`: Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line Utility to retrieve system information and manage system components.
   - Syntax: `wmic [alias] [parameters]`
   - Example: `wmic process list brief`

58. `dsa.msc`: Active Directory Users and Computers command-line utility for managing Active Directory users and computers.
   - Syntax: `dsa.msc`
   - Example: `dsa.msc`

59. `dsquery`: Directory Service Query command-line utility for querying Active Directory.
   - Syntax: `dsquery [object_type] [object_filter] [-attr attribute1 attribute2 ...]`
   - Example: `dsquery user -name John* -attr samAccountName mail`

60. `gpresult`: Group Policy Result command-line utility for displaying group policy settings applied to the user or computer.
   - Syntax: `gpresult [/user username | /scope {computer|user}] [/v] [/z]`
   - Example: `gpresult /user JohnDoe /v`

Remember to refer to the official Microsoft documentation or use the `command /?` syntax to get more information about a specific command and its available options.

61. `taskkill`: Terminate a running process or application.
   - Syntax: `taskkill [/s computer [/u domain\user [/p password]]] [/fi filter] [/pid process_id] [/im image_name]`
   - Example: `taskkill /im notepad.exe`

62. `nslookup`: Name Server Lookup command-line utility for querying DNS records.
   - Syntax: `nslookup [domain_name_or_ip_address]`
   - Example: `nslookup`

63. `wusa`: Windows Update Standalone Installer command-line utility for installing Windows updates.
   - Syntax: `wusa [/quiet] [/norestart] [/uninstall] [/kb:KBnumber] [update_package]`
   - Example: `wusa WindowsUpdate.msu /quiet /norestart`

64. `cacls`: Change Access Control List command-line utility for managing permissions on files and directories.
   - Syntax: `cacls [file] [/t] [/e] [/c] [/g user:permission] [/r user] [/p user:permission] [/d user]`
   - Example: `cacls C:\folder /e /g Administrators:F`

65. `bcdedit`: Boot Configuration Data Editor command-line utility for managing boot settings.
   - Syntax: `bcdedit [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `bcdedit /enum`

66. `tasklist`: List running tasks and processes.
   - Syntax: `tasklist [/s computer] [/u domain\user [/p password]] [/fi filter]`
   - Example: `tasklist /fi "status eq running"`

67. `sc`: Service Control command-line utility for managing Windows services.
   - Syntax: `sc [command] [service_name] [parameters]`
   - Example: `sc start ServiceName`

68. `netsh advfirewall`: Advanced Firewall command-line utility for managing Windows Firewall.
   - Syntax: `netsh advfirewall [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `netsh advfirewall set domainprofile state on`

69. `netstat`: Display active network connections and listening ports.
   - Syntax: `netstat [-a] [-n] [-o]`
   - Example: `netstat -a`

70. `systeminfo`: Display detailed system information.
   - Syntax: `systeminfo`
   - Example: `systeminfo`

Remember to refer to the official Microsoft documentation or use the `command /?` syntax to get more information about a specific command and its available options.

71. `fsutil`: File System Utility command-line tool for managing file systems.
   - Syntax: `fsutil [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `fsutil volume diskfree C:`

72. `chkdsk`: Check Disk command-line utility for checking and repairing file system errors on a disk.
   - Syntax: `chkdsk [drive_letter:] [/f] [/r]`
   - Example: `chkdsk C: /f`

73. `certutil`: Certificate Utility command-line tool for managing certificates.
   - Syntax: `certutil [options]`
   - Example: `certutil -store My`

74. `bitsadmin`: Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) command-line tool for managing file transfers.
   - Syntax: `bitsadmin [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `bitsadmin /list /allusers`

75. `robocopy`: Robust File Copy utility for copying files and directories with advanced options.
   - Syntax: `robocopy [source] [destination] [file(s)] [options]`
   - Example: `robocopy C:\SourceFolder D:\DestinationFolder /E`

76. `wmic`: Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line Utility to retrieve system information and manage system components.
   - Syntax: `wmic [alias] [parameters]`
   - Example: `wmic cpu get name`

77. `whoami`: Display the current username and domain.
   - Syntax: `whoami [/upn] [/fqdn] [/user] [/groups] [/priv]`
   - Example: `whoami /user`

78. `reg`: Registry command-line utility for managing the Windows Registry.
   - Syntax: `reg [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `reg query HKLM\Software`

79. `schtasks`: Task Scheduler command-line utility for managing scheduled tasks.
   - Syntax: `schtasks [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `schtasks /create /tn MyTask /tr "C:\Scripts\script.bat" /sc daily`

80. `diskpart`: Disk Partitioning command-line utility for managing disks and volumes.
   - Syntax: `diskpart`
   - Example: `diskpart`

Remember to refer to the official Microsoft documentation or use the `command /?` syntax to get more information about a specific command and its available options.

81. `taskmgr`: Task Manager command-line utility for launching the Task Manager.
   - Syntax: `taskmgr`
   - Example: `taskmgr`

82. `regsvr32`: Register or unregister DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries) and ActiveX controls.
   - Syntax: `regsvr32 [/s] [/u] [/n] [/i[:cmdline]] dllname`
   - Example: `regsvr32 /s C:\Windows\System32\mydll.dll`

83. `net user`: Manage user accounts.
   - Syntax: `net user [username] [password] /add`
   - Example: `net user JohnDoe P@ssw0rd /add`

84. `net group`: Manage user groups.
   - Syntax: `net group [group_name] [username] /add`
   - Example: `net group Administrators JohnDoe /add`

85. `net share`: Manage shared resources on the server.
   - Syntax: `net share [share_name]=[folder_path] [/grant:[username,[permissions]] [/unlimited]]`
   - Example: `net share SharedFolder=C:\Shared /grant:JohnDoe,full /unlimited`

86. `net localgroup`: Manage local groups on the server.
   - Syntax: `net localgroup [group_name] [username] /add`
   - Example: `net localgroup Administrators JohnDoe /add`

87. `net view`: Display a list of network resources.
   - Syntax: `net view [\\computer_name]`
   - Example: `net view`

88. `net use`: Connect or disconnect a computer from a shared resource.
   - Syntax: `net use [drive_letter:] \\computer_name\share_name [password] /user:[domain_name\]user_name`
   - Example: `net use Z: \\server\share /user:DOMAIN\username`

89. `netstat`: Display active network connections and listening ports.
   - Syntax: `netstat [-a] [-n] [-o]`
   - Example: `netstat -a`

90. `scandisk`: Disk Scanner command-line utility for checking and repairing disk errors.
   - Syntax: `scandisk [drive_letter]`
   - Example: `scandisk C:`

Remember to refer to the official Microsoft documentation or use the `command /?` syntax to get more information about a specific command and its available options.

91. `sfc`: System File Checker command-line utility for scanning and repairing system files.
   - Syntax: `sfc /scannow`
   - Example: `sfc /scannow`

92. `ping`: Send a network request to a specific IP address or domain.
   - Syntax: `ping [IP_address_or_domain]`
   - Example: `ping`

93. `tracert`: Trace the route that packets take to reach a destination IP address or domain.
   - Syntax: `tracert [IP_address_or_domain]`
   - Example: `tracert`

94. `telnet`: Establish a command-line connection to a remote server using the Telnet protocol.
   - Syntax: `telnet [IP_address] [port]`
   - Example: `telnet 80`

95. `cipher`: Cipher command-line utility for managing encryption and decryption of files and folders.
   - Syntax: `cipher [option] [file/folder]`
   - Example: `cipher /e C:\PrivateFolder`

96. `gpupdate`: Group Policy Update command-line utility for applying Group Policy settings.
   - Syntax: `gpupdate [/target:{computer|user}] [/force] [/wait:<value>]`
   - Example: `gpupdate /force`

97. `powercfg`: Power Configuration command-line utility for managing power settings.
   - Syntax: `powercfg [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `powercfg -l`

98. `bcdedit`: Boot Configuration Data Editor command-line utility for managing boot settings.
   - Syntax: `bcdedit [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `bcdedit /enum`

99. `netdom`: Network Domain command-line utility for managing Active Directory domains.
   - Syntax: `netdom [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `netdom query /domain`

100. `netsh advfirewall`: Advanced Firewall command-line utility for managing Windows Firewall.
    - Syntax: `netsh advfirewall [command] [parameters]`
    - Example: `netsh advfirewall show currentprofile`

Remember to refer to the official Microsoft documentation or use the `command /?` syntax to get more information about a specific command and its available options.

101. `net accounts`: Manage user account policies.
    - Syntax: `net accounts [parameters]`
    - Example: `net accounts /maxpwage:90`

102. `dnscmd`: DNS Server Command-Line Utility for managing DNS servers.
    - Syntax: `dnscmd <ServerName> <Command> <CommandParameters>`
    - Example: `dnscmd /ZoneResetType /AllNodes`

103. `dsmod`: Modify Active Directory objects.
    - Syntax: `dsmod <ObjectDN> <Attribute> <Value>`
    - Example: `dsmod user "cn=John Doe,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com" -disabled yes`

104. `query user`: Display information about user sessions on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server.
    - Syntax: `query user [username | sessionname | sessionid] [/server:servername]`
    - Example: `query user`

105. `wbadmin`: Windows Server Backup command-line utility for managing backups and restores.
    - Syntax: `wbadmin [command] [parameters]`
    - Example: `wbadmin start backup -backupTarget:D: -include:C:\Data`

106. `pnputil`: PnP Utility command-line tool for managing device drivers.
    - Syntax: `pnputil [command] [parameters]`
    - Example: `pnputil /add-driver C:\Drivers\Driver.inf`

107. `sconfig`: Server Configuration utility for configuring various server settings.
    - Syntax: `sconfig`
    - Example: `sconfig`

108. `fsrm`: File Server Resource Manager command-line tool for managing file and storage resources.
    - Syntax: `fsrm [command] [parameters]`
    - Example: `fsrm quota add /path:C:\Data /limit:10GB`

109. `query process`: Display information about processes running on a system.
    - Syntax: `query process [processname]`
    - Example: `query process notepad.exe`

110. `tasklist`: List running tasks and processes.
    - Syntax: `tasklist [/s computer] [/u domain\user [/p password]] [/fi filter]`
    - Example: `tasklist /fi "status eq running"`

Remember to refer to the official Microsoft documentation or use the `command /?` syntax to get more information about a specific command and its available options.

111. `wevtutil`: Windows Events Command-line utility for managing event logs.
    - Syntax: `wevtutil [command] [parameters]`
    - Example: `wevtutil qe Application /f:text /c:10 /rd:True`

112. `cacls`: Change Access Control List command-line utility for managing permissions on files and directories.
    - Syntax: `cacls [file/directory] [/t] [/e] [/g user:permissions] [/r user] [/p user:permissions] [/d user]`
    - Example: `cacls C:\folder /e /g Administrators:F`

113. `systeminfo`: Display detailed system information.
    - Syntax: `systeminfo`
    - Example: `systeminfo`

114. `gpresult`: Group Policy Result command-line utility for displaying group policy settings applied to the user or computer.
    - Syntax: `gpresult [/user username | /scope {computer|user}] [/v] [/z]`
    - Example: `gpresult /user JohnDoe /v`

115. `typeperf`: Performance Counter command-line utility for collecting and displaying performance data.
    - Syntax: `typeperf [counter_path] [-sc <sample_interval>] [-si <sample_interval>] [-o <output_file>] [-f <format>]`
    - Example: `typeperf "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -sc 1`

116. `netsh wlan`: WLAN Command-Line Utility for managing wireless network settings.
    - Syntax: `netsh wlan [command] [parameters]`
    - Example: `netsh wlan show networks`

117. `schtasks`: Task Scheduler command-line utility for managing scheduled tasks.
    - Syntax: `schtasks [command] [parameters]`
    - Example: `schtasks /create /tn MyTask /tr "C:\Scripts\script.bat" /sc daily`

118. `taskkill`: Terminate a running process or application.
    - Syntax: `taskkill [/s computer [/u domain\user [/p password]]] [/fi filter] [/pid process_id] [/im image_name]`
    - Example: `taskkill /im notepad.exe`

119. `netsh trace`: Trace Command-Line Utility for capturing network traces.
    - Syntax: `netsh trace [start|stop] [capture=yes|no] [report=yes|no] [correlate=yes|no]`
    - Example: `netsh trace start capture=yes report=no`

120. `shutdown`: Shutdown or restart the server.
    - Syntax: `shutdown [/s] [/r] [/t <time_in_seconds>] [/d] [/f] [/c "comment"]`
    - Example: `shutdown /s /t 3600`

Remember to refer to the official Microsoft documentation or use the `command /?` syntax to get more information about a specific command and its available options.

121. `netsh advfirewall`: Advanced Firewall command-line utility for managing Windows Firewall.
    - Syntax: `netsh advfirewall [command] [parameters]`
    - Example: `netsh advfirewall show currentprofile`

122. `netsh interface`: Interface Command-Line Utility for managing network interfaces.
    - Syntax: `netsh interface [command] [parameters]`
    - Example: `netsh interface show interface`

123. `netsh dhcp`: DHCP Command-Line Utility for managing DHCP servers and configurations.
    - Syntax: `netsh dhcp [command] [parameters]`
    - Example: `netsh dhcp server show all`

124. `netsh winsock`: Winsock Command-Line Utility for managing Winsock settings.
    - Syntax: `netsh winsock [command] [parameters]`
    - Example: `netsh winsock reset`

125. `netsh wlan`: WLAN Command-Line Utility for managing wireless network settings.
    - Syntax: `netsh wlan [command] [parameters]`
    - Example: `netsh wlan show profiles`

126. `logman`: Performance Monitor command-line utility for managing data collection and logging.
    - Syntax: `logman [command] [parameters]`
    - Example: `logman start MyDataCollector`

127. `diskpart`: Disk Partitioning command-line utility for managing disks and volumes.
    - Syntax: `diskpart`
    - Example: `diskpart`

128. `ipconfig`: Display IP configuration information.
    - Syntax: `ipconfig [/all]`
    - Example: `ipconfig /all`

129. `net user`: Manage user accounts.
    - Syntax: `net user [username] [password] /add`
    - Example: `net user JohnDoe P@ssw0rd /add`

130. `net group`: Manage user groups.
    - Syntax: `net group [group_name] [username] /add`
    - Example: `net group Administrators JohnDoe /add`

Remember to refer to the official Microsoft documentation or use the `command /?` syntax to get more information about a specific command and its available options.

131. `fsutil`: File System Utility command-line tool for managing file systems.
    - Syntax: `fsutil [command] [parameters]`
    - Example: `fsutil volume diskfree C:`

132. `robocopy`: Robust File Copy utility for copying files and directories with advanced options.
    - Syntax: `robocopy [source] [destination] [file(s)] [options]`
    - Example: `robocopy C:\SourceFolder D:\DestinationFolder /E`

133. `sconfig`: Server Configuration utility for configuring various server settings.
    - Syntax: `sconfig`
    - Example: `sconfig`

134. `query user`: Display information about user sessions on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server.
    - Syntax: `query user [username | sessionname | sessionid] [/server:servername]`
    - Example: `query user`

135. `wbadmin`: Windows Server Backup command-line utility for managing backups and restores.
    - Syntax: `wbadmin [command] [parameters]`
    - Example: `wbadmin start backup -backupTarget:D: -include:C:\Data`

136. `pnputil`: PnP Utility command-line tool for managing device drivers.
    - Syntax: `pnputil [command] [parameters]`
    - Example: `pnputil /add-driver C:\Drivers\Driver.inf`

137. `query process`: Display information about processes running on a system.
    - Syntax: `query process [processname]`
    - Example: `query process notepad.exe`

138. `taskkill`: Terminate a running process or application.
    - Syntax: `taskkill [/s computer [/u domain\user [/p password]]] [/fi filter] [/pid process_id] [/im image_name]`
    - Example: `taskkill /im notepad.exe`

139. `nbtstat`: NetBIOS over TCP/IP Statistics command-line tool for troubleshooting NetBIOS name resolution issues.
    - Syntax: `nbtstat [parameters]`
    - Example: `nbtstat -n`

140. `chkntfs`: Check NTFS volumes command-line tool for checking the disk for errors and scheduled auto-checks.
    - Syntax: `chkntfs [drive:]`
    - Example: `chkntfs C:`

Remember to refer to the official Microsoft documentation or use the `command /?` syntax to get more information about a specific command and its available options.

141. `netsh trace`: Trace Command-Line Utility for capturing network traces.
   - Syntax: `netsh trace [start|stop] [capture=yes|no] [report=yes|no] [correlate=yes|no]`
   - Example: `netsh trace start capture=yes report=no`

142. `netsh advfirewall`: Advanced Firewall command-line utility for managing Windows Firewall.
   - Syntax: `netsh advfirewall [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `netsh advfirewall show currentprofile`

143. `netsh interface`: Interface Command-Line Utility for managing network interfaces.
   - Syntax: `netsh interface [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `netsh interface show interface`

144. `netsh dhcp`: DHCP Command-Line Utility for managing DHCP servers and configurations.
   - Syntax: `netsh dhcp [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `netsh dhcp server show all`

145. `netsh winsock`: Winsock Command-Line Utility for managing Winsock settings.
   - Syntax: `netsh winsock [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `netsh winsock reset`

146. `netsh wlan`: WLAN Command-Line Utility for managing wireless network settings.
   - Syntax: `netsh wlan [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `netsh wlan show profiles`

147. `schtasks`: Task Scheduler command-line utility for managing scheduled tasks.
   - Syntax: `schtasks [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `schtasks /create /tn MyTask /tr "C:\Scripts\script.bat" /sc daily`

148. `query session`: Display information about sessions on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server.
   - Syntax: `query session [sessionname | username] [/server:servername]`
   - Example: `query session`

149. `query process`: Display information about processes running on a system.
   - Syntax: `query process [processname]`
   - Example: `query process notepad.exe`

150. `diskpart`: Disk Partitioning command-line utility for managing disks and volumes.
   - Syntax: `diskpart`
   - Example: `diskpart`

Remember to refer to the official Microsoft documentation or use the `command /?` syntax to get more information about a specific command and its available options.

151. `netdom`: Network Domain command-line utility for managing Active Directory domains.
   - Syntax: `netdom [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `netdom query /domain`

152. `whoami`: Display the current username and domain.
   - Syntax: `whoami [/upn] [/fqdn] [/user] [/groups] [/priv]`
   - Example: `whoami /user`

153. `reg`: Registry Editor command-line utility for editing the Windows Registry.
   - Syntax: `reg [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `reg query HKLM\Software`

154. `certutil`: Certificate Utility command-line tool for managing certificates.
   - Syntax: `certutil [options]`
   - Example: `certutil -store My`

155. `auditpol`: Audit Policy command-line utility for managing audit policies on the server.
   - Syntax: `auditpol /set /subcategory:"<subcategory>" [/success:{enable|disable}] [/failure:{enable|disable}]`
   - Example: `auditpol /set /subcategory:"Logon/Logoff" /success:enable`

156. `query user`: Display information about user sessions on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server.
   - Syntax: `query user [username | sessionname | sessionid] [/server:servername]`
   - Example: `query user`

157. `tasklist`: List running tasks and processes.
   - Syntax: `tasklist [/s computer] [/u domain\user [/p password]] [/fi filter]`
   - Example: `tasklist /fi "status eq running"`

158. `taskkill`: Terminate a running process or application.
   - Syntax: `taskkill [/s computer [/u domain\user [/p password]]] [/fi filter] [/pid process_id] [/im image_name]`
   - Example: `taskkill /im notepad.exe`

159. `fsutil`: File System Utility command-line tool for managing file systems.
   - Syntax: `fsutil [command] [parameters]`
   - Example: `fsutil volume diskfree C:`

160. `query process`: Display information about processes running on a system.
   - Syntax: `query process [processname]`
   - Example: `query process notepad.exe`

Remember to refer to the official Microsoft documentation or use the `command /?` syntax to get more information about a specific command and its available options.

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