RFC: This version was not officially published in an RFC but was experimental.
Features: Very basic, only for sending text content (<text/html>) and receiving simple responses. Requests could only be made using <GET>, and there was no way to send data to the server.
RFC: RFC 1945
Features: The first official version of HTTP, supporting <POST> requests for sending data to the server. It included headers for controlling content type, language, and cache management. Each HTTP request required a separate connection.
RFC: RFC 2616 (and newer versions RFC 7230 to 7235)
Features: Included several improvements and new features:
RFC: RFC 7540
Features: Major improvements over HTTP/1.1 including:
RFC: RFC 9114
Features: The latest version with the following features:
Headers introduced in HTTP/1.0:
Headers introduced in HTTP/1.1:
Special pseudo-headers used in HTTP/2:
HTTP/3 headers are similar to HTTP/2: