Microsoft Windows Server Syntaxes

Here are some common syntaxes and examples for Microsoft Windows Server:

1. Creating a New Folder:
   Syntax: `mkdir [foldername]`
   Example: `mkdir Documents`

2. Copying Files or Folders:
   Syntax: `copy [source] [destination]`
   Example: `copy C:\Folder1\File.txt D:\Backup`

3. Moving Files or Folders:
   Syntax: `move [source] [destination]`
   Example: `move C:\Folder1\File.txt D:\Archive`

4. Renaming a File or Folder:
   Syntax: `ren [oldname] [newname]`
   Example: `ren File.txt NewFile.txt`

5. Deleting a File or Folder:
   Syntax: `del [filename]` (for files) or `rmdir [foldername]` (for folders)
   Example: `del File.txt` or `rmdir Folder1`

6. Listing Files and Folders:
   Syntax: `dir [path]`
   Example: `dir C:\Folder1`

7. Checking IP Configuration:
   Syntax: `ipconfig`
   Example: `ipconfig`

8. Starting a Service:
   Syntax: `net start [servicename]`
   Example: `net start Spooler`

9. Stopping a Service:
   Syntax: `net stop [servicename]`
   Example: `net stop Spooler`

10. Restarting a Service:
    Syntax: `net stop [servicename] && net start [servicename]`
    Example: `net stop Spooler && net start Spooler`

These are just a few examples of common syntaxes used in Microsoft Windows Server. Remember to adjust the file paths, service names, and other parameters as per your specific needs.

11. Managing Users:
    - Creating a User Account:
      Syntax: `net user [username] [password] /add`
      Example: `net user JohnDoe P@ssw0rd /add`

    - Deleting a User Account:
      Syntax: `net user [username] /delete`
      Example: `net user JohnDoe /delete`

    - Modifying User Account Password:
      Syntax: `net user [username] [newpassword]`
      Example: `net user JohnDoe NewP@ssw0rd`

    - Adding User to a Group:
      Syntax: `net localgroup [groupname] [username] /add`
      Example: `net localgroup Administrators JohnDoe /add`

12. Managing Services:
    - Enabling a Service:
      Syntax: `sc config [servicename] start=auto`
      Example: `sc config Spooler start=auto`

    - Disabling a Service:
      Syntax: `sc config [servicename] start=disabled`
      Example: `sc config Spooler start=disabled`

    - Querying Service Status:
      Syntax: `sc query [servicename]`
      Example: `sc query Spooler`

13. Managing Network Connections:
    - Displaying Network Configuration:
      Syntax: `ipconfig /all`
      Example: `ipconfig /all`

    - Releasing an IP Address:
      Syntax: `ipconfig /release`
      Example: `ipconfig /release`

    - Renewing an IP Address:
      Syntax: `ipconfig /renew`
      Example: `ipconfig /renew`

14. Managing Firewall Rules:
    - Adding an Inbound Rule:
      Syntax: `netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="[rulename]" dir=in action=allow protocol=[protocol] localport=[port]`
      Example: `netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Allow RDP" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=3389`

    - Deleting a Rule:
      Syntax: `netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="[rulename]"`
      Example: `netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="Allow RDP"`

These additional syntaxes cover user management, service management, network configuration, and firewall rule management in Windows Server. As always, make sure to adjust the parameters to fit your specific requirements.

15. Checking System Information:
    - Syntax: `systeminfo`
    - Example: `systeminfo`

16. Modifying System Environment Variables:
    - Syntax: `setx [variable] [value]`
    - Example: `setx PATH "C:\NewPath"`

17. Managing Active Directory Users and Computers:
    - Creating a User:
      Syntax: `dsadd user [userDN] [-samid [sAMAccountName]] [-upn [userPrincipalName]] [-fn [firstName]] [-ln [lastName]] [-display [displayName]] [-pwd [password]]`
      Example: `dsadd user "CN=John Doe,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com" -samid johndoe -upn -fn John -ln Doe -display "John Doe" -pwd P@ssw0rd`

    - Creating a Group:
      Syntax: `dsadd group [groupDN] [-samid [sAMAccountName]] [-desc [description]]`
      Example: `dsadd group "CN=Managers,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com" -samid managers -desc "Group for Managers"`

    - Modifying User Properties:
      Syntax: `dsmod user [userDN] [-upn [newUserPrincipalName]] [-fn [newFirstName]] [-ln [newLastName]] [-display [newDisplayName]]`
      Example: `dsmod user "CN=John Doe,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com" -display "John M. Doe"`

18. Managing Group Policy:
    - Creating a Group Policy Object (GPO):
      Syntax: `gpedit.msc` (Run Group Policy Editor)
      Example: `gpedit.msc`

    - Linking a GPO to an Organizational Unit (OU):
      Syntax: `gpupdate /target:computer /force`
      Example: `gpupdate /target:computer /force`

    - Enforcing a Group Policy:
      Syntax: `gpupdate /force`
      Example: `gpupdate /force`

These examples cover system information, environment variables, Active Directory user and group management, and Group Policy management in Windows Server. Remember to customize the parameters and values based on your specific environment and requirements.

19. Managing Remote Desktop Services:
    - Enabling Remote Desktop:
      Syntax: `SystemPropertiesRemote.exe`
      Example: `SystemPropertiesRemote.exe`

    - Connecting to a Remote Desktop:
      Syntax: `mstsc /v:[hostname or IP]`
      Example: `mstsc /v:`

    - Disconnecting from a Remote Desktop:
      Syntax: `tsdiscon`
      Example: `tsdiscon`

20. Managing Disk Volumes:
    - Creating a New Volume:
      Syntax: `diskpart`
      Example: `diskpart`
      Once inside Diskpart:
      Syntax: `create volume [size] [fileSystem] [label]`
      Example: `create volume simple size=1024 fileSystem=NTFS label=Data`

    - Deleting a Volume:
      Syntax: `diskpart`
      Example: `diskpart`
      Once inside Diskpart:
      Syntax: `select volume [volumeNumber]` and `delete volume`
      Example: `select volume 2` and `delete volume`

21. Managing Active Directory Domains and Trusts:
    - Creating a New Trust Relationship:
      Syntax: `netdom trust [sourceDomain] /Domain:[targetDomain] /add`
      Example: `netdom trust domain1 /Domain:domain2 /add`

    - Verifying a Trust Relationship:
      Syntax: `nltest /sc_verify:[targetDomain]`
      Example: `nltest /sc_verify:domain2`

    - Removing a Trust Relationship:
      Syntax: `netdom trust [sourceDomain] /Domain:[targetDomain] /remove`
      Example: `netdom trust domain1 /Domain:domain2 /remove`

22. Managing Windows Services:
    - Starting a Service:
      Syntax: `Start-Service [serviceName]`
      Example: `Start-Service Spooler`

    - Stopping a Service:
      Syntax: `Stop-Service [serviceName]`
      Example: `Stop-Service Spooler`

    - Restarting a Service:
      Syntax: `Restart-Service [serviceName]`
      Example: `Restart-Service Spooler`

These examples cover remote desktop services, disk volume management, Active Directory domains and trusts, and Windows service management in Windows Server. Make sure to adjust the parameters and values according to your specific server configuration and requirements.

23. Managing Windows Firewall:
    - Enabling Windows Firewall:
      Syntax: `netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on`
      Example: `netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on`

    - Disabling Windows Firewall:
      Syntax: `netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off`
      Example: `netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off`

    - Adding an Outbound Rule:
      Syntax: `netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="[rulename]" dir=out action=allow protocol=[protocol] remoteip=[IPaddress]`
      Example: `netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Allow Outbound HTTP" dir=out action=allow protocol=TCP remoteip=`

24. Managing DNS (Domain Name System):
    - Adding a DNS Record:
      Syntax: `dnscmd [serverName] /recordadd [zoneName] [nodeName] [recordType] [recordData]`
      Example: `dnscmd DNSserver /recordadd www A`

    - Deleting a DNS Record:
      Syntax: `dnscmd [serverName] /recorddelete [zoneName] [nodeName] [recordType] [recordData]`
      Example: `dnscmd DNSserver /recorddelete www A`

25. Managing IIS (Internet Information Services):
    - Starting IIS:
      Syntax: `iisreset /start`
      Example: `iisreset /start`

    - Stopping IIS:
      Syntax: `iisreset /stop`
      Example: `iisreset /stop`

    - Restarting IIS:
      Syntax: `iisreset /restart`
      Example: `iisreset /restart`

26. Managing DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol):
    - Displaying DHCP Configuration:
      Syntax: `netsh dhcp show server`
      Example: `netsh dhcp show server`

    - Backing Up DHCP Configuration:
      Syntax: `netsh dhcp server export [filename]`
      Example: `netsh dhcp server export C:\dhcp-backup.txt`

    - Restoring DHCP Configuration:
      Syntax: `netsh dhcp server import [filename]`
      Example: `netsh dhcp server import C:\dhcp-backup.txt`

These examples cover Windows Firewall management, DNS management, IIS management, and DHCP management in Windows Server. Adjust the parameters and values based on your specific server setup and requirements.

27. Managing Active Directory Sites and Services:
    - Creating a New Site:
      Syntax: `ntdsutil`
      Example: `ntdsutil`
      Once inside ntdsutil:
      Syntax: `domain management` and `new site [siteName]`
      Example: `domain management` and `new site SiteA`

    - Creating a New Subnet:
      Syntax: `ntdsutil`
      Example: `ntdsutil`
      Once inside ntdsutil:
      Syntax: `domain management` and `new subnet [subnetPrefix] [siteName]`
      Example: `domain management` and `new subnet SiteA`

    - Moving a Domain Controller to a Site:
      Syntax: `ntdsutil`
      Example: `ntdsutil`
      Once inside ntdsutil:
      Syntax: `domain management` and `move server [serverName] [siteName]`
      Example: `domain management` and `move server DC01 SiteA`

28. Managing Remote Desktop Licensing:
    - Installing Remote Desktop Licensing Role:
      Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name RDS-Licensing -IncludeManagementTools`
      Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name RDS-Licensing -IncludeManagementTools`

    - Activating Remote Desktop Licensing:
      Syntax: `slmgr /ato`
      Example: `slmgr /ato`

    - Viewing Remote Desktop Licensing Information:
      Syntax: `slmgr /dli`
      Example: `slmgr /dli`

29. Managing Hyper-V:
    - Creating a Virtual Machine:
      Syntax: `New-VM -Name [vmName] -MemoryStartupBytes [memorySize] -NewVHDPath [vhdPath] -NewVHDSizeBytes [vhdSize]`
      Example: `New-VM -Name MyVM -MemoryStartupBytes 2GB -NewVHDPath C:\VMs\MyVM.vhdx -NewVHDSizeBytes 100GB`

    - Starting a Virtual Machine:
      Syntax: `Start-VM -Name [vmName]`
      Example: `Start-VM -Name MyVM`

    - Shutting Down a Virtual Machine:
      Syntax: `Stop-VM -Name [vmName] -Force`
      Example: `Stop-VM -Name MyVM -Force`

These examples cover Active Directory Sites and Services management, Remote Desktop Licensing, and Hyper-V management in Windows Server. Adjust the parameters and values based on your specific server environment and requirements.

30. Managing Active Directory Certificate Services:
    - Installing Certificate Services Role:
      Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADCS-Cert-Authority -IncludeManagementTools`
      Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADCS-Cert-Authority -IncludeManagementTools`

    - Configuring Certificate Authority:
      Syntax: `certutil -installCA [configFile]`
      Example: `certutil -installCA C:\CAConfig.inf`

    - Requesting a Certificate:
      Syntax: `certreq -submit [requestFile] [certificateFile]`
      Example: `certreq -submit C:\Request.req C:\Certificate.cer`

31. Managing Windows Server Update Services (WSUS):
    - Installing WSUS Role:
      Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices -IncludeManagementTools`
      Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices -IncludeManagementTools`

    - Configuring WSUS:
      Syntax: `wsusutil.exe postinstall SQL_INSTANCE_NAME="instance_name" CONTENT_DIR="path_to_content"`
      Example: `wsusutil.exe postinstall SQL_INSTANCE_NAME="MSSQLSERVER" CONTENT_DIR="D:\WSUS\WSUSContent"`

    - Synchronizing WSUS Server:
      Syntax: `wsusutil.exe sync`
      Example: `wsusutil.exe sync`

32. Managing Windows Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS):
    - Installing ADFS Role:
      Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADFS-Federation -IncludeManagementTools`
      Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADFS-Federation -IncludeManagementTools`

    - Configuring ADFS:
      Syntax: `Configure-AdfsFarm -CertificateThumbprint [thumbprint] -FederationServiceName [federationServiceName]`
      Example: `Configure-AdfsFarm -CertificateThumbprint "ABC123" -FederationServiceName`

    - Adding a Claims Provider Trust:
      Syntax: `Add-AdfsClaimsProviderTrust -Name [name] -Identifier [identifier] -MetadataURL [metadataURL]`
      Example: `Add-AdfsClaimsProviderTrust -Name "Contoso" -Identifier "urn:contoso:idp" -MetadataURL ""`

These examples cover Active Directory Certificate Services management, Windows Server Update Services, and Windows Active Directory Federation Services in Windows Server. Adjust the parameters and values based on your specific server setup and requirements.

33. Managing Group Policy Objects (GPOs):
    - Creating a New GPO:
      Syntax: `New-GPO -Name [name]`
      Example: `New-GPO -Name "MyGPO"`

    - Linking a GPO to an Organizational Unit (OU):
      Syntax: `New-GPLink -Name [name] -Target [OUPath]`
      Example: `New-GPLink -Name "MyGPO Link" -Target "OU=Users,DC=example,DC=com"`

    - Enforcing a GPO:
      Syntax: `Set-GPLink -Name [name] -Target [OUPath] -Enforced Yes`
      Example: `Set-GPLink -Name "MyGPO Link" -Target "OU=Users,DC=example,DC=com" -Enforced Yes`

34. Managing Windows Event Logs:
    - Clearing a Specific Event Log:
      Syntax: `Clear-EventLog -LogName [logName]`
      Example: `Clear-EventLog -LogName Application`

    - Exporting Event Log Entries to a File:
      Syntax: `Get-WinEvent -LogName [logName] | Export-Csv -Path [filePath]`
      Example: `Get-WinEvent -LogName System | Export-Csv -Path C:\Logs\SystemLog.csv`

    - Filtering Event Log Entries:
      Syntax: `Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='[logName]'; Level=[level]}`
      Example: `Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Application'; Level=2}`

35. Managing Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS):
    - Installing AD LDS Role:
      Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADLDS -IncludeManagementTools`
      Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADLDS -IncludeManagementTools`

    - Creating an AD LDS Instance:
      Syntax: `dsmgmt.exe`
      Example: `dsmgmt.exe`
      Once inside dsmgmt:
      Syntax: `add instance [instanceName]`
      Example: `add instance MyInstance`

    - Managing AD LDS Partitions:
      Syntax: `ntdsutil.exe`
      Example: `ntdsutil.exe`
      Once inside ntdsutil:
      Syntax: `ac` (Enter Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services mode)
      Example: `ac`
      Syntax: `partition management` (Enter Partition Management mode)
      Example: `partition management`

These examples cover Group Policy Objects (GPOs) management, Windows Event Logs management, and Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) in Windows Server. Adjust the parameters and values according to your specific server configuration and requirements.

36. Managing Distributed File System (DFS):
    - Installing DFS Namespace Role:
      Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name FS-DFS-Namespace -IncludeManagementTools`
      Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name FS-DFS-Namespace -IncludeManagementTools`

    - Creating a DFS Namespace:
      Syntax: `New-DfsnRoot -Path [path] -Type DomainV2`
      Example: `New-DfsnRoot -Path "\\\dfs" -Type DomainV2`

    - Adding Folder Targets to a DFS Namespace:
      Syntax: `Add-DfsnFolderTarget -Path [path] -TargetPath [targetPath] -TargetLinkName [linkName]`
      Example: `Add-DfsnFolderTarget -Path "\\\dfs" -TargetPath "\\fileserver\share" -TargetLinkName "SharedFolder"`

37. Managing Network Load Balancing (NLB):
    - Installing NLB Feature:
      Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name NLB -IncludeManagementTools`
      Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name NLB -IncludeManagementTools`

    - Configuring NLB Cluster:
      Syntax: `New-NlbCluster -ClusterName [clusterName] -InterfaceName [interfaceName]`
      Example: `New-NlbCluster -ClusterName "MyCluster" -InterfaceName "Ethernet 1"`

    - Adding Hosts to NLB Cluster:
      Syntax: `Add-NlbClusterNode -NewNodeName [nodeName] -InterfaceName [interfaceName] -ClusterName [clusterName]`
      Example: `Add-NlbClusterNode -NewNodeName "Node2" -InterfaceName "Ethernet 1" -ClusterName "MyCluster"`

38. Managing Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS):
    - Installing AD RMS Role:
      Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADRMS -IncludeManagementTools`
      Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADRMS -IncludeManagementTools`

    - Configuring AD RMS:
      Syntax: `Initialize-ADRightsManagementServer`
      Example: `Initialize-ADRightsManagementServer`

    - Enabling AD RMS for a User:
      Syntax: `Enable-AipServiceForTenantUser -UserPrincipalName [userUPN]`
      Example: `Enable-AipServiceForTenantUser -UserPrincipalName`

These examples cover Distributed File System (DFS), Network Load Balancing (NLB), and Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS) management in Windows Server. Adjust the parameters and values based on your specific server setup and requirements.

39. Managing Remote Access (VPN):
    - Installing Remote Access Role:
      Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name RemoteAccess -IncludeManagementTools`
      Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name RemoteAccess -IncludeManagementTools`

    - Configuring VPN Server:
      Syntax: `Install-RemoteAccess -VpnType [vpnType]`
      Example: `Install-RemoteAccess -VpnType VpnS2S`

    - Creating a VPN Connection:
      Syntax: `Add-VpnConnection -Name [connectionName] -ServerAddress [serverAddress] -TunnelType [tunnelType] -EncryptionLevel [encryptionLevel]`
      Example: `Add-VpnConnection -Name "MyVPN" -ServerAddress "" -TunnelType L2tp -EncryptionLevel Optional`

40. Managing Storage Spaces:
    - Creating a Storage Pool:
      Syntax: `New-StoragePool -FriendlyName [name] -PhysicalDisks [disk1,disk2]`
      Example: `New-StoragePool -FriendlyName "MyPool" -PhysicalDisks (Get-PhysicalDisk -CanPool $True)`

    - Creating a Virtual Disk:
      Syntax: `New-VirtualDisk -StoragePoolFriendlyName [poolName] -FriendlyName [name] -Size [size] -ProvisioningType [provisioningType]`
      Example: `New-VirtualDisk -StoragePoolFriendlyName "MyPool" -FriendlyName "MyDisk" -Size 1TB -ProvisioningType Fixed`

    - Creating a Volume:
      Syntax: `New-Volume -FriendlyName [name] -FileSystem [fileSystem] -DriveLetter [driveLetter] -Size [size]`
      Example: `New-Volume -FriendlyName "Data" -FileSystem NTFS -DriveLetter D -Size 500GB`

41. Managing Windows Deployment Services (WDS):
    - Installing WDS Role:
      Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name WDS -IncludeManagementTools`
      Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name WDS -IncludeManagementTools`

    - Configuring WDS Server:
      Syntax: `WDSUTIL /Initialize-Server /REMINST:[path]`
      Example: `WDSUTIL /Initialize-Server /REMINST:"D:\RemoteInstall"`

    - Adding a Boot Image:
      Syntax: `WDSUTIL /Add-Image /ImageFile:[imageFile] /ImageType:Boot`
      Example: `WDSUTIL /Add-Image /ImageFile:"C:\Boot.wim" /ImageType:Boot`

These examples cover Remote Access (VPN), Storage Spaces, and Windows Deployment Services (WDS) management in Windows Server. Adjust the parameters and values based on your specific server setup and requirements.

42. Managing Windows Server Backup:
    - Installing Windows Server Backup Feature:
      Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name Windows-Server-Backup -IncludeManagementTools`
      Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name Windows-Server-Backup -IncludeManagementTools`

    - Creating a Backup:
      Syntax: `wbadmin start backup -backupTarget:[targetPath] -include:[itemsToInclude]`
      Example: `wbadmin start backup -backupTarget:D: -include:C:\Data,D:\Logs`

    - Restoring from a Backup:
      Syntax: `wbadmin start recovery -version:[versionIdentifier] -itemType:[itemType] -items:[itemsToRecover]`
      Example: `wbadmin start recovery -version:03/01/2023-12:00 -itemType:File -items:C:\Data\Document.docx`

43. Managing Windows Server Failover Clustering:
    - Installing Failover Clustering Feature:
      Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name Failover-Clustering -IncludeManagementTools`
      Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name Failover-Clustering -IncludeManagementTools`

    - Creating a Failover Cluster:
      Syntax: `New-Cluster -Name [clusterName] -Node [node1],[node2],...`
      Example: `New-Cluster -Name "MyCluster" -Node Server1,Server2,Server3`

    - Adding Resources to a Cluster:
      Syntax: `Add-ClusterResource -Cluster [clusterName] -Name [resourceName] -ResourceType [resourceType] -Group [groupName]`
      Example: `Add-ClusterResource -Cluster "MyCluster" -Name "FileShare" -ResourceType "File Share" -Group "ClusterGroup"`

44. Managing Windows Server Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS):
    - Creating an AD LDS Instance:
      Syntax: `New-ADLDSInstance -InstanceName [instanceName] -Port [port] -ApplicationMode [applicationMode]`
      Example: `New-ADLDSInstance -InstanceName "MyInstance" -Port 50000 -ApplicationMode "DirectoryServices"

    - Configuring AD LDS Instance:
      Syntax: `Set-ADLDSInstance -InstanceName [instanceName] -AdminPassword [adminPassword] -ServiceAccountCredential [serviceAccountCredential]`
      Example: `Set-ADLDSInstance -InstanceName "MyInstance" -AdminPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "P@ssw0rd" -Force) -ServiceAccountCredential (Get-Credential)`

    - Managing AD LDS Partitions:
      Syntax: `Import-ADLDSPartition -InstanceName [instanceName] -PartitionName [partitionName] -DataFilePath [dataFilePath] -LogFilePath [logFilePath]`
      Example: `Import-ADLDSPartition -InstanceName "MyInstance" -PartitionName "MyPartition" -DataFilePath "C:\ADLDS\MyPartition\Data" -LogFilePath "C:\ADLDS\MyPartition\Log"`

These examples cover Windows Server Backup, Failover Clustering, and Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) management in Windows Server. Adjust the parameters and values based on your specific server setup and requirements.

45. Managing Windows Server Remote Desktop Services (RDS):
    - Installing Remote Desktop Services Role:
      Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name RDS-RD-Server -IncludeManagementTools`
      Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name RDS-RD-Server -IncludeManagementTools`

    - Configuring Remote Desktop Licensing:
      Syntax: `Set-RDLicenseConfiguration -LicenseServer [licenseServer] -Mode [mode]`
      Example: `Set-RDLicenseConfiguration -LicenseServer "RDLicenseServer" -Mode PerUser`

    - Configuring Remote Desktop Session Host:
      Syntax: `Set-RDSessionHost -ConnectionBroker [connectionBroker] -SessionHost [sessionHost] -LicenseServers [licenseServers]`
      Example: `Set-RDSessionHost -ConnectionBroker "RDCB" -SessionHost "RDSessionHost" -LicenseServers "RDLicenseServer"`

46. Managing Windows Server Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS):
    - Creating an AD LDS Instance:
      Syntax: `Install-ADLDSInstance -InstanceName [instanceName] -DomainMode [domainMode] -CreateNetBiosName`
      Example: `Install-ADLDSInstance -InstanceName "MyInstance" -DomainMode "Windows2008R2" -CreateNetBiosName`

    - Creating an AD LDS Application Partition:
      Syntax: `New-ADLDSApplicationPartition -Name [partitionName] -Server [serverName]`
      Example: `New-ADLDSApplicationPartition -Name "MyPartition" -Server "MyInstance"`

    - Managing AD LDS Replication:
      Syntax: `Set-ADLDSReplication -Partition [partitionDN] -SourceServer [sourceServer] -DestinationServer [destinationServer] -ReplicationFrequency [frequency]`
      Example: `Set-ADLDSReplication -Partition "CN=MyPartition,CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,CN=MyInstance" -SourceServer "MyInstance1" -DestinationServer "MyInstance2" -ReplicationFrequency 60`

47. Managing Windows Server Network Policy Server (NPS):
    - Installing Network Policy Server Role:
      Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name NPAS -IncludeManagementTools`
      Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name NPAS -IncludeManagementTools`

    - Configuring NPS:
      Syntax: `Configure-Nps -Server [serverName] -NpsDatabasePath [databasePath] -NpsLogFilePath [logPath]`
      Example: `Configure-Nps -Server "NPS" -NpsDatabasePath "C:\NPS\NPSDatabase" -NpsLogFilePath "C:\NPS\NPSLogs"`

    - Creating a Network Policy:
      Syntax: `Add-NpsRadiusClient -Name [clientName] -Address [clientAddress] -SharedSecret [sharedSecret]`
      Example: `Add-NpsRadiusClient -Name "MyClient" -Address "" -SharedSecret "P@ssw0rd"`

These examples cover Remote Desktop Services (RDS), Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS), and Network Policy Server (NPS) management in Windows Server. Adjust the parameters and values based on your specific server setup and requirements.

48. Managing Windows Server Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS):
    - Installing Active Directory Certificate Services Role:
      Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADCS-Cert-Authority -IncludeManagementTools`
      Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADCS-Cert-Authority -IncludeManagementTools`

    - Configuring Certificate Authority (CA):
      Syntax: `Initialize-ADCSForest -CreateInNewForest -DomainName [domainName] -CAType [caType]`
      Example: `Initialize-ADCSForest -CreateInNewForest -DomainName "" -CAType EnterpriseRootCA`

    - Issuing a Certificate:
      Syntax: `certreq -submit -config [caConfig] [requestFile] [certificateFile]`
      Example: `certreq -submit -config "" C:\Request.req C:\Certificate.cer`

49. Managing Windows Server Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS):
    - Installing Active Directory Rights Management Services Role:
      Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADRMS -IncludeManagementTools`
      Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADRMS -IncludeManagementTools`

    - Provisioning AD RMS:
      Syntax: `Initialize-ADRMS -SkipFirstRun`
      Example: `Initialize-ADRMS -SkipFirstRun`

    - Configuring AD RMS Cluster:
      Syntax: `Install-ADRMS -Verbose -Force`
      Example: `Install-ADRMS -Verbose -Force`

50. Managing Windows Server Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS):
    - Installing Active Directory Domain Services Role:
      Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools`
      Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools`

    - Promoting a Server to a Domain Controller:
      Syntax: `Install-ADDSDomainController -DomainName [domainName] -InstallDns -Credential (Get-Credential)`
      Example: `Install-ADDSDomainController -DomainName "" -InstallDns -Credential (Get-Credential)`

    - Managing Active Directory Objects:
      Syntax: `Get-ADUser -Filter [filter]`
      Example: `Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $true}`

These examples cover Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS), Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS), and Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) management in Windows Server. Adjust the parameters and values based on your specific server setup and requirements.

51. Managing Windows Server Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSAs):
    - Creating a gMSA:
      Syntax: `New-ADServiceAccount -Name [accountName] -DNSHostName [dnsHostName] -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword [securityPrincipals]`
      Example: `New-ADServiceAccount -Name "MygMSA" -DNSHostName "" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword "DOMAIN\Group"`

    - Installing a gMSA on a Service:
      Syntax: `Install-ADServiceAccount -Identity [accountName]`
      Example: `Install-ADServiceAccount -Identity "MygMSA"`

    - Using a gMSA on a Service:
      Syntax: `Set-Service -Name [serviceName] -StartupType [startupType] -ServiceAccount [accountName] -Password (Get-ADServiceAccount -Identity [accountName]).Password`
      Example: `Set-Service -Name "MyService" -StartupType Automatic -ServiceAccount "MygMSA" -Password (Get-ADServiceAccount -Identity "MygMSA").Password`

52. Managing Windows Server Storage Migration Service:
    - Installing Storage Migration Service Role:
      Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name StorageMigrationService -IncludeManagementTools`
      Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name StorageMigrationService -IncludeManagementTools`

    - Registering a Source Server:
      Syntax: `Register-SMServer -ComputerName [sourceServer] -Credential (Get-Credential)`
      Example: `Register-SMServer -ComputerName "SourceServer" -Credential (Get-Credential)`

    - Migrating a File Share:
      Syntax: `Start-SmFileShareMigration -SourceComputerName [sourceServer] -SourceSharePath [sourcePath] -DestinationSharePath [destinationPath]`
      Example: `Start-SmFileShareMigration -SourceComputerName "SourceServer" -SourceSharePath "C:\Share" -DestinationSharePath "D:\Share"`

53. Managing Windows Server Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS):
    - Installing Active Directory Federation Services Role:
      Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADFS-Federation -IncludeManagementTools`
      Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADFS-Federation -IncludeManagementTools`

    - Configuring AD FS:
      Syntax: `Initialize-ADFSFarm -CertificateThumbprint [thumbprint] -FederationServiceName [federationServiceName]`
      Example: `Initialize-ADFSFarm -CertificateThumbprint "ABC123" -FederationServiceName ""`

    - Adding a Claims Provider Trust:
      Syntax: `Add-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust -Name [name] -Identifier [identifier] -MetadataURL [metadataURL]`
      Example: `Add-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust -Name "Contoso" -Identifier "urn:contoso:idp" -MetadataURL ""`

These examples cover Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSAs), Storage Migration Service, and Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) management in Windows Server. Adjust the parameters and values based on your specific server setup and requirements.

54. Managing Windows Server Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway):
   - Installing Remote Desktop Gateway Role:
     Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name RDS-Gateway -IncludeManagementTools`
     Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name RDS-Gateway -IncludeManagementTools`

   - Configuring Remote Desktop Gateway:
     Syntax: `Set-RDGatewayConfiguration -RDGatewayExternalFqdn [externalFQDN]`
     Example: `Set-RDGatewayConfiguration -RDGatewayExternalFqdn`

   - Adding RD Gateway CAP (Connection Authorization Policies):
     Syntax: `Add- RDGatewayCAP -Name [name] -UserGroup [userGroup]`
     Example: `Add- RDGatewayCAP -Name "AllowedUsers" -UserGroup "DOMAIN\Domain Users"`

55. Managing Windows Server DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol):
   - Installing DHCP Role:
     Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name DHCP -IncludeManagementTools`
     Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name DHCP -IncludeManagementTools`

   - Configuring DHCP Server:
     Syntax: `Add-DhcpServerv4Scope -Name [scopeName] -StartRange [startRange] -EndRange [endRange] -SubnetMask [subnetMask] -LeaseDuration [leaseDuration]`
     Example: `Add-DhcpServerv4Scope -Name "LAN Scope" -StartRange -EndRange -SubnetMask -LeaseDuration 8.00:00:00`

   - Reserving DHCP IP Address:
     Syntax: `Add-DhcpServerv4Reservation -IPAddress [ipAddress] -ScopeId [scopeId] -ClientId [clientId] -Description [description]`
     Example: `Add-DhcpServerv4Reservation -IPAddress -ScopeId -ClientId "00-11-22-33-44-55" -Description "Reserved for Server"`

56. Managing Windows Server Hyper-V Replica:
   - Configuring Hyper-V Replica:
     Syntax: `Enable-VMReplication -VMName [vmName] -ReplicaServerName [replicaServer] -ReplicaServerPort [replicaPort]`
     Example: `Enable-VMReplication -VMName "MyVM" -ReplicaServerName "ReplicaServer" -ReplicaServerPort 80`

   - Enabling Replication for a Virtual Machine:
     Syntax: `Set-VMReplication -VMName [vmName] -ReplicaServerName [replicaServer] -ReplicaServerPort [replicaPort] -AuthenticationType [authType]`
     Example: `Set-VMReplication -VMName "MyVM" -ReplicaServerName "ReplicaServer" -ReplicaServerPort 80 -AuthenticationType Kerberos`

   - Viewing Replication Health:
     Syntax: `Get-VMReplication -VMName [vmName]`
     Example: `Get-VMReplication -VMName "MyVM"`

These examples cover Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway), DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), and Hyper-V Replica management in Windows Server. Adjust the parameters and values based on your specific server setup and requirements.

57. Managing Windows Server Active Directory Trusts:
   - Creating an External Trust:
     Syntax: `New-ADTrust -SourceForestName [sourceForest] -TargetForestName [targetForest] -TrustType External -Direction Both`
     Example: `New-ADTrust -SourceForestName "" -TargetForestName "" -TrustType External -Direction Both`

   - Verifying Trusts:
     Syntax: `Get-ADTrust -Filter {Name -like "*"}`
     Example: `Get-ADTrust -Filter {Name -like "External*"}`

58. Managing Windows Server Remote Desktop Services Licensing (RDS Licensing):
   - Installing RDS Licensing Role:
     Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name RDS-Licensing -IncludeManagementTools`
     Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name RDS-Licensing -IncludeManagementTools`

   - Activating RDS Licensing Server:
     Syntax: `Invoke-WindowsActivation -ActivationAction Activate`
     Example: `Invoke-WindowsActivation -ActivationAction Activate`

   - Configuring Licensing Mode:
     Syntax: `Set-RDLicenseConfiguration -LicenseServer [serverName] -Mode [mode]`
     Example: `Set-RDLicenseConfiguration -LicenseServer "RDLicensing" -Mode PerUser`

59. Managing Windows Server Active Directory Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSAs):
   - Creating a gMSA:
     Syntax: `New-ADServiceAccount -Name [accountName] -DNSHostName [dnsHostName] -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword [securityPrincipals]`
     Example: `New-ADServiceAccount -Name "MygMSA" -DNSHostName "" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword "DOMAIN\Group"`

   - Installing a gMSA on a Service:
     Syntax: `Install-ADServiceAccount -Identity [accountName]`
     Example: `Install-ADServiceAccount -Identity "MygMSA"`

   - Using a gMSA on a Service:
     Syntax: `Set-Service -Name [serviceName] -StartupType [startupType] -ServiceAccount [accountName] -Password (Get-ADServiceAccount -Identity [accountName]).Password`
     Example: `Set-Service -Name "MyService" -StartupType Automatic -ServiceAccount "MygMSA" -Password (Get-ADServiceAccount -Identity "MygMSA").Password`

These examples cover Active Directory Trusts, Remote Desktop Services Licensing (RDS Licensing), and Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSAs) management in Windows Server. Adjust the parameters and values based on your specific server setup and requirements.

60. Managing Windows Server Distributed File System Replication (DFSR):
   - Configuring DFSR Replication Group:
     Syntax: `New-DfsReplicationGroup -GroupName [groupName] -GroupDescription [groupDescription] -ReplicationGroupPath [replicationPath] -PrimaryMember [primaryMember] -SecondaryMembers [secondaryMembers]`
     Example: `New-DfsReplicationGroup -GroupName "MyReplicationGroup" -GroupDescription "Replication Group" -ReplicationGroupPath "\\Server1\Share" -PrimaryMember "Server1" -SecondaryMembers "Server2", "Server3"`

   - Creating a DFSR Namespace:
     Syntax: `New-DfsnRoot -Path [path] -Type DomainV2`
     Example: `New-DfsnRoot -Path "\\\dfs" -Type DomainV2`

   - Adding Folder Targets to a DFSR Namespace:
     Syntax: `Add-DfsnFolderTarget -Path [path] -TargetPath [targetPath] -TargetLinkName [linkName]`
     Example: `Add-DfsnFolderTarget -Path "\\\dfs" -TargetPath "\\fileserver\share" -TargetLinkName "SharedFolder"`

61. Managing Windows Server Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) Schema:
   - Extending the AD DS Schema:
     Syntax: `adprep.exe /forestprep`
     Example: `adprep.exe /forestprep`

   - Checking Schema Version:
     Syntax: `Get-ADObject (Get-ADRootDSE).schemaNamingContext -Property objectVersion`
     Example: `Get-ADObject (Get-ADRootDSE).schemaNamingContext -Property objectVersion`

62. Managing Windows Server Network Load Balancing (NLB):
   - Installing NLB Feature:
     Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name NLB -IncludeManagementTools`
     Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name NLB -IncludeManagementTools`

   - Creating an NLB Cluster:
     Syntax: `New-NlbCluster -ClusterName [clusterName] -InterfaceName [interfaceName] -ClusterPrimaryIP [primaryIP]`
     Example: `New-NlbCluster -ClusterName "MyCluster" -InterfaceName "Ethernet" -ClusterPrimaryIP ""`

   - Adding Hosts to an NLB Cluster:
     Syntax: `Add-NlbClusterNode -NewNodeName [nodeName] -InterfaceName [interfaceName] -ClusterName [clusterName]`
     Example: `Add-NlbClusterNode -NewNodeName "Node2" -InterfaceName "Ethernet" -ClusterName "MyCluster"`

These examples cover Distributed File System Replication (DFSR), Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) Schema, and Network Load Balancing (NLB) management in Windows Server. Adjust the parameters and values based on your specific server setup and requirements.

63. Managing Windows Server Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS):
   - Installing AD LDS Role:
     Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADLDS -IncludeManagementTools`
     Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADLDS -IncludeManagementTools`

   - Creating an AD LDS Instance:
     Syntax: `New-ADLDSInstance -InstanceName [instanceName] -Port [port] -ApplicationMode [applicationMode]`
     Example: `New-ADLDSInstance -InstanceName "MyInstance" -Port 50000 -ApplicationMode "DirectoryServices"`

   - Managing AD LDS Partitions:
     Syntax: `Import-ADLDSPartition -InstanceName [instanceName] -PartitionName [partitionName] -DataFilePath [dataFilePath] -LogFilePath [logFilePath]`
     Example: `Import-ADLDSPartition -InstanceName "MyInstance" -PartitionName "MyPartition" -DataFilePath "C:\ADLDS\MyPartition\Data" -LogFilePath "C:\ADLDS\MyPartition\Log"`

64. Managing Windows Server Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS):
   - Installing AD FS Role:
     Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADFS-Federation -IncludeManagementTools`
     Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADFS-Federation -IncludeManagementTools`

   - Configuring AD FS:
     Syntax: `Configure-ADFSFarm -CertificateThumbprint [thumbprint] -FederationServiceName [federationServiceName]`
     Example: `Configure-ADFSFarm -CertificateThumbprint "ABC123" -FederationServiceName`

   - Adding a Claims Provider Trust:
     Syntax: `Add-AdfsClaimsProviderTrust -Name [name] -Identifier [identifier] -MetadataURL [metadataURL]`
     Example: `Add-AdfsClaimsProviderTrust -Name "Contoso" -Identifier "urn:contoso:idp" -MetadataURL ""`

65. Managing Windows Server Internet Information Services (IIS):
   - Installing IIS Role:
     Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools`
     Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools`

   - Creating an IIS Website:
     Syntax: `New-Website -Name [name] -PhysicalPath [path] -Port [port] -HostHeader [hostHeader]`
     Example: `New-Website -Name "MyWebsite" -PhysicalPath "C:\inetpub\MyWebsite" -Port 80 -HostHeader ""`

   - Configuring IIS SSL Binding:
     Syntax: `New-WebBinding -Name [name] -IPAddress [ipAddress] -Port [port] -Protocol https`
     Example: `New-WebBinding -Name "MyWebsite" -IPAddress "*" -Port 443 -Protocol https`

These examples cover Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS), Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), and Internet Information Services (IIS) management in Windows Server. Adjust the parameters and values based on your specific server setup and requirements.

66. Managing Windows Server Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS):
   - Installing AD RMS Role:
     Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADRMS -IncludeManagementTools`
     Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADRMS -IncludeManagementTools`

   - Configuring AD RMS:
     Syntax: `Initialize-ADRMS -SkipFirstRun`
     Example: `Initialize-ADRMS -SkipFirstRun`

   - Enabling AD RMS for a User:
     Syntax: `Enable-AipServiceForTenantUser -UserPrincipalName [userUPN]`
     Example: `Enable-AipServiceForTenantUser -UserPrincipalName`

67. Managing Windows Server Remote Desktop Services (RDS):
   - Installing RDS Role:
     Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name RDS-RD-Server -IncludeManagementTools`
     Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name RDS-RD-Server -IncludeManagementTools`

   - Configuring RDS Licensing:
     Syntax: `Set-RDLicenseConfiguration -LicenseServer [licenseServer] -Mode [mode]`
     Example: `Set-RDLicenseConfiguration -LicenseServer "RDLicenseServer" -Mode PerUser`

   - Configuring RDS Gateway:
     Syntax: `Set-RDGatewayConfiguration -GatewayServerName [serverName] -RDGatewayExternalFqdn [externalFQDN]`
     Example: `Set-RDGatewayConfiguration -GatewayServerName "RDGateway" -RDGatewayExternalFqdn`

68. Managing Windows Server Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS):
   - Installing AD CS Role:
     Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADCS-Cert-Authority -IncludeManagementTools`
     Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name ADCS-Cert-Authority -IncludeManagementTools`

   - Configuring Certificate Authority (CA):
     Syntax: `Initialize-ADCSForest -CreateInNewForest -DomainName [domainName] -CAType [caType]`
     Example: `Initialize-ADCSForest -CreateInNewForest -DomainName "" -CAType EnterpriseRootCA`

   - Issuing a Certificate:
     Syntax: `certreq -submit -config [caConfig] [requestFile] [certificateFile]`
     Example: `certreq -submit -config "" C:\Request.req C:\Certificate.cer`

These examples cover Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS), Remote Desktop Services (RDS), and Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) management in Windows Server. Adjust the parameters and values based on your specific server setup and requirements.

69. Managing Windows Server DNS (Domain Name System):
   - Installing DNS Role:
     Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name DNS -IncludeManagementTools`
     Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name DNS -IncludeManagementTools`

   - Creating a DNS Zone:
     Syntax: `Add-DnsServerPrimaryZone -Name [zoneName] -ZoneFile [zoneFile] -DynamicUpdate [dynamicUpdateMode]`
     Example: `Add-DnsServerPrimaryZone -Name "" -ZoneFile "" -DynamicUpdate Secure`

   - Adding a DNS Record:
     Syntax: `Add-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName [zoneName] -Name [recordName] -IPv4Address [IPv4Address] -RecordType A`
     Example: `Add-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName "" -Name "host" -IPv4Address "" -RecordType A`

70. Managing Windows Server DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol):
   - Installing DHCP Role:
     Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name DHCP -IncludeManagementTools`
     Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name DHCP -IncludeManagementTools`

   - Configuring DHCP Server:
     Syntax: `Add-DhcpServerv4Scope -Name [scopeName] -StartRange [startRange] -EndRange [endRange] -SubnetMask [subnetMask] -LeaseDuration [leaseDuration]`
     Example: `Add-DhcpServerv4Scope -Name "LAN Scope" -StartRange -EndRange -SubnetMask -LeaseDuration 8.00:00:00`

   - Reserving DHCP IP Address:
     Syntax: `Add-DhcpServerv4Reservation -IPAddress [ipAddress] -ScopeId [scopeId] -ClientId [clientId] -Description [description]`
     Example: `Add-DhcpServerv4Reservation -IPAddress -ScopeId -ClientId "00-11-22-33-44-55" -Description "Reserved for Server"`

71. Managing Windows Server File Server Resource Manager (FSRM):
   - Installing FSRM Role:
     Syntax: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name FS-Resource-Manager -IncludeManagementTools`
     Example: `Install-WindowsFeature -Name FS-Resource-Manager -IncludeManagementTools`

   - Configuring File Screening:
     Syntax: `Set-FsrmFileScreen -Path [path] -IncludePattern [includePattern] -Template [templateName]`
     Example: `Set-FsrmFileScreen -Path "C:\Data" -IncludePattern "*.mp3" -Template "Block Audio Files"`

   - Creating a Quota:
     Syntax: `New-FsrmQuota -Path [path] -Size [size] -Template [templateName]`
     Example: `New-FsrmQuota -Path "D:\Shares" -Size 10GB -Template "General File Share"`

These examples cover Domain Name System (DNS), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), and File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) management in Windows Server. Adjust the parameters and values based on your specific server setup and requirements.

  1. Entering the English page