Here are some standard programming terminology:

A step-by-step set of instructions for solving a specific problem or performing a task.

A named storage location in memory that holds a value, which can change during the program's execution.

A self-contained block of code that performs a specific task and can be reused throughout the program.

A control structure that repeatedly executes a block of code as long as a certain condition is met.

5.Conditional Statement:
A programming construct that allows different code paths to be executed based on a specified condition's evaluation (e.g., if statements).

6.Data Type:
A classification that defines the type of data a variable can hold, such as integers, strings, or floating-point numbers.

A sequence of characters, typically used to represent text in programming.

A collection of elements, each identified by an index or a key, allowing for organized storage and manipulation of data.

A blueprint for creating objects, defining their properties (attributes) and behaviors (methods).

An instance of a class, representing a real-world entity with attributes and methods.

A function that is associated with an object and defines its behavior.

The process of translating human-readable source code into machine-readable code by a compiler.

The process of identifying and fixing errors or bugs in a program.

The set of rules that dictate how programs must be structured and written in a programming language.

15.API (Application Programming Interface):
A set of predefined functions, classes, and protocols that allow communication between different software components.

16.IDE (Integrated Development Environment):
A software application that provides tools and features to assist programmers in writing, testing, and debugging code.

17.Version Control:
The management of changes to source code over time, often using tools like Git, to track modifications and collaborate on projects.

A structured collection of data that is organized and accessible through various methods.

19.GUI (Graphical User Interface):
A visual interface that allows users to interact with software using graphical elements like buttons and menus.

An error, flaw, or unintended behavior in a program that causes it to produce incorrect or unexpected results.

A contract that defines a set of methods and properties that an object must implement, ensuring consistent behavior across different classes.

A mechanism in object-oriented programming where a new class can inherit attributes and behaviors from an existing class.

The ability of objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common parent class, allowing for dynamic behavior and method overriding.

A programming technique where a function calls itself in order to solve a problem by breaking it down into smaller instances of the same problem.

A variable that stores the memory address of another variable, allowing for more efficient memory usage and manipulation.

An unexpected event or error that disrupts the normal flow of a program, often requiring specialized handling.

A self-contained unit of code that can be reused in different parts of a program to improve maintainability and readability.

A pre-built collection of libraries, tools, and conventions that simplifies the development of specific types of applications.

A collection of functions, classes, and methods that provide reusable code for common tasks, allowing developers to avoid reinventing the wheel.

An intermediate representation of source code that is executed by a virtual machine, often used in languages like Java.

The period when a program is executing, including both its initialization and termination phases.

A basic unit of execution in a program, allowing for concurrent or parallel processing of tasks.

The concept of multiple tasks being executed in overlapping time periods, typically used to improve performance.

34.Mutex (Mutual Exclusion):
A synchronization mechanism used to ensure that only one thread can access a shared resource at a time.

A situation where two or more threads are unable to proceed because each is waiting for a resource held by the other.

36.API Documentation:
A set of reference materials that provides information about how to use the functions, classes, and methods provided by an API.

The process of restructuring existing code to improve its readability, maintainability, and efficiency without changing its external behavior.

38.Legacy Code:
Code that has been inherited from earlier versions of a software system and might be outdated, poorly documented, or difficult to modify.

39.Unit Testing:
The practice of testing individual components or functions of a program in isolation to ensure they work as intended.

40.Integration Testing:
The process of testing interactions between different components or modules to ensure their proper collaboration.

A software development methodology that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and iterative development to respond to changing requirements.

A traditional software development methodology that follows a linear, sequential approach with defined phases like requirements, design, implementation, testing, and deployment.

43.API Endpoint:
A specific URL or URI through which an API can be accessed and interacted with.

The process of converting complex data structures or objects into a format that can be easily stored, transmitted, or reconstructed.

The reverse process of serialization, where data in a serialized format is converted back into its original data structure.

Software components that mediate between different parts of a system, often used for tasks like authentication, logging, or routing.

A widely used distributed version control system that allows multiple developers to collaborate on code by tracking changes and managing branches.

48.Pull Request:
A feature in version control systems like Git that allows developers to propose changes to a codebase and initiate a review before merging.

49.Continuous Integration (CI):
A development practice where code changes are automatically integrated and tested in a shared repository multiple times a day.

50.Continuous Deployment (CD):
An extension of continuous integration where code changes are automatically deployed to production environments after passing automated tests.

51.API Gateway:
A server that acts as an entry point for multiple APIs, providing features like authentication, rate limiting, and request routing.

The ability of a software system to handle increased load and demand by distributing resources effectively.

An architectural style where a large application is broken down into smaller, loosely coupled services that can be developed and deployed independently.

54.Serverless Computing:
A cloud computing model where developers can build and run applications without managing the underlying server infrastructure.

55.Dependency Injection:
A design pattern where the dependencies of a class are provided externally, improving modularity and testability.

A platform for developing, shipping, and running applications in lightweight, portable containers.

57.Big O Notation:
A mathematical notation used to describe the performance or time complexity of an algorithm in relation to its input size.

A design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to a single instance, ensuring global access to that instance.

A language feature that allows a program to inspect and modify its own structure, typically used for tasks like introspection and dynamic loading of classes.

60.Merge Conflict:
A situation that occurs when conflicting changes are made to a file or codebase that cannot be automatically resolved by version control systems.

61.Code Smell:
A term used to describe code that is poorly written, difficult to understand, or indicates potential design problems.

62.Agile Manifesto:
A set of values and principles that emphasize individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change in software development.

63.MVC (Model-View-Controller):
A design pattern that separates an application into three main components: the model (data and business logic), the view (user interface), and the controller (handles user input).

64.API Versioning:
The practice of maintaining different versions of an API to ensure compatibility with existing clients while allowing for updates and changes.

The process of converting data into a secure format to prevent unauthorized access, often used to protect sensitive information.

The process of breaking down a complex problem or system into smaller, more manageable components.

67.ORM (Object-Relational Mapping):
A technique that allows data to be accessed and manipulated in an object-oriented manner, bridging the gap between a database and programming objects.

68.CRUD Operations:
An acronym for Create, Read, Update, and Delete, referring to the basic actions performed on data in a database or application.

The practice of creating simulated objects or behaviors to replace real components during testing, facilitating isolated and controlled testing environments.

70.YAGNI (You Aren't Gonna Need It):
A programming principle that advises against implementing functionality until it is actually needed, to avoid unnecessary complexity.

71.Code Review:
The process of examining and evaluating code by other developers to ensure quality, consistency, and adherence to coding standards.

72.Continuous Monitoring:
The practice of actively monitoring the performance, security, and behavior of a software system in production to identify issues and improvements.

73.CI/CD Pipeline:
A series of automated steps that involve building, testing, and deploying code changes, following continuous integration and continuous deployment practices.

74.Technical Debt:
A metaphor for the consequences of choosing expedient solutions or shortcuts during development that may result in future maintenance challenges.

75.Regression Testing:
Re-running previously executed tests to ensure that recent code changes have not introduced new defects or issues.

76.Garbage Collection:
An automatic memory management process in programming languages that deallocates memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use.

77.Runtime Environment:
The software and hardware infrastructure required for executing a program, including libraries, runtime libraries, and system resources.

78.Dependency Hell:
A situation where a project has complex and conflicting dependencies, making it difficult to manage and maintain.

79.White Box Testing:
A testing approach where the tester has access to the internal code and logic of the application, allowing for more targeted testing.

80.Black Box Testing:
A testing approach where the tester focuses on the application's functionality without knowledge of its internal code, simulating user interactions.

81.Code Coverage:
A metric that indicates the percentage of code lines or branches that have been executed by tests, helping to assess the quality of test suites.

82.Polymorphic Code:
Code that can change its appearance or behavior dynamically to evade detection, often used in the context of computer security.

83.Buffer Overflow:
A type of vulnerability that occurs when a program writes more data into a buffer (temporary storage) than it can hold, potentially leading to crashes or security exploits.

A technique that involves using practical, experience-based methods to find solutions or make decisions, often applied in algorithm design.

Software components that bridge the gap between various software systems, allowing them to communicate and interact with each other.

86.Race Condition:
A situation in multithreaded or concurrent programming where the order of execution can lead to unexpected or incorrect results.

The process of improving the structure, readability, and maintainability of code without changing its external behavior.

The process of starting a computer or software system by loading a small, initial program that then loads more complex components.

89.Static Analysis:
The practice of analyzing code without actually executing it, often used to identify issues and potential vulnerabilities.

A basic visual representation of a user interface, used to plan the layout and functionality of a software application.

91.Bug Bounty Program:
An initiative where individuals are rewarded for finding and reporting security vulnerabilities in software applications.

92.Technical Documentation:
Written materials that provide information about how to use, maintain, and understand software applications, libraries, or APIs.

93.Clean Code:
Code that is easy to read, understand, and maintain, often following established coding standards and best practices.

94.Software Architecture:
The high-level structure and organization of a software system, including components, relationships, and design decisions.

95.NoSQL Database:
A type of database that does not rely on a traditional relational model, often used for handling large volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data.

96.Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC):
The process of designing, developing, testing, deploying, and maintaining software applications.

97.Regression Testing:
Re-running previously executed tests to ensure that recent code changes have not introduced new defects or issues.

A software development methodology that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and iterative development to respond to changing requirements.

99.Pair Programming:
A practice where two programmers work together at a single computer, with one writing code and the other reviewing in real time.

100.WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get):
An interface or editor that displays content as it will appear in the final output, helping users visualize their work.

A design principle where one class or object is composed of or references other classes or objects, forming a larger, more complex structure.

102.Binary Search:
An efficient searching algorithm that divides a sorted list in half repeatedly, reducing the search space by half with each comparison.

103.Call Stack:
A data structure that keeps track of function calls in a program, allowing for proper execution and control flow.

A software tool that translates human-readable source code into machine-readable code, often in lower-level languages.

A program that directly executes source code without the need for prior compilation, often used for scripting languages.

The concept of multiple tasks or processes executing in overlapping time periods, enhancing performance and responsiveness.

107.Data Mining:
The process of discovering patterns, trends, and insights from large datasets using techniques from statistics and machine learning.

108.Design Pattern:
A reusable solution to common software design problems, providing best practices and guidelines for creating well-structured code.

109.Escape Characters:
Special characters used to represent non-printable or reserved characters within strings, often with a backslash (\\).

110.Fuzz Testing:
A technique that involves providing invalid, unexpected, or random inputs to a program to uncover vulnerabilities and defects.

The process of converting input data into a fixed-size value (hash) using a hash function, commonly used in data structures like hash tables.

Software components that mediate between different systems or applications, enabling communication and data exchange.

113.Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
A programming paradigm that organizes data and behaviors into objects, promoting modularity and reusability.

114.Software Development Kit (SDK):
A collection of tools, libraries, and documentation that aids developers in building applications for a specific platform.

115.Stack Overflow:
An error that occurs when the call stack exceeds its allocated memory space, often due to an excessive number of nested function calls.

116.Version Control System (VCS):
Software that tracks changes to source code over time, facilitating collaboration and managing different versions.

117.Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi):
A technology that enables devices to connect to the internet and local networks wirelessly using radio frequencies.

118.Cross-Platform Development:
Creating software that can run on multiple operating systems or platforms without significant modification.

119.Data Validation:
The process of ensuring that input data meets specific criteria, preventing incorrect or malicious data from being processed.

120.Edge Computing:
Processing and analyzing data closer to the source or point of generation, reducing latency and improving efficiency.

A computer or software system that provides services, resources, or data to other computers (clients) over a network.

122.Serverless Architecture:
A design approach where developers focus on writing code without needing to manage or provision the underlying infrastructure.

In Agile methodologies, a fixed time period (usually 1-4 weeks) during which a team works on a set of planned tasks and delivers a potentially shippable product increment.

A small piece of data that represents user authentication credentials, often used to securely manage user sessions and permissions.

125.W3C (World Wide Web Consortium):
An international community that develops open standards for the web, ensuring interoperability and usability.

A query language used to navigate XML documents and extract specific data from structured content.

127.Zero-Day Exploit:
A security vulnerability that is exploited by attackers on the same day the vulnerability becomes known, before a fix or patch is available.

128.Bitwise Operation:
An operation that manipulates individual bits within a binary representation of data, used for low-level data manipulation and optimization.

129.Singleton Pattern:
A design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to a single instance and provides a global point of access to that instance.

A programming technique where multiple threads within a single process run concurrently, sharing the same resources.

A principle in object-oriented programming where objects of different classes can be treated as objects of a common superclass.

132.Dependency Injection:
A design pattern where components' dependencies are provided from the outside, improving modularity and testability.

133.Feature Flag:
A programming technique that allows developers to control the availability of certain features in a software application.

Data that provides information about other data, often used to describe the properties and characteristics of files, databases, and resources.

135.Race Condition:
A situation where the behavior of a program depends on the relative timing of events, often leading to unpredictable outcomes.

A storage location where code, documents, or other resources are stored, managed, and versioned using version control systems.

137.Semantic Versioning (SemVer):
A versioning scheme that uses three numbers (Major.Minor.Patch) to communicate the level of compatibility and changes in software.

138.Binary Tree:
A hierarchical data structure where each node has at most two child nodes, commonly used for efficient searching and sorting.

139.Root Directory:
The top-level directory in a file system hierarchy, serving as the starting point for navigating and organizing files and folders.

140.API Rate Limiting:
A technique that restricts the number of API requests a user or application can make within a given time period, preventing abuse and ensuring fair usage.

An authentication framework that allows applications to obtain limited access to a user's account on another service, without exposing the user's credentials.

142.Dead Code:
Code that is unreachable or never executed during the runtime of a program, often resulting from redundancy or logic errors.

143.Code Review:
A process where code is examined by other developers to identify bugs, improve quality, and ensure adherence to coding standards.

144.Git Branch:
A separate line of development in a Git repository, allowing for isolation of changes and experimentation without affecting the main codebase.

145.Continuous Integration (CI):
A practice where developers integrate their code changes into a shared repository frequently, triggering automated tests and builds.

146.Regression Testing:
Re-running tests to ensure that new code changes have not introduced unexpected side effects or caused existing functionality to break.

147.Agile Frameworks:
Methodologies like Scrum, Kanban, and XP that provide guidelines for implementing Agile principles in software development.

An early version of a software application that is used for testing and gathering user feedback before full development.

149.UML (Unified Modeling Language):
A standardized visual language used to represent and document software system designs and architectures.

150.Code Smell:
An indicator of poor coding practices or potential design issues that can lead to maintenance challenges and bugs.

151.Code Refactoring:
The process of restructuring and improving code without changing its external behavior, often done to enhance readability and maintainability.

152.Pull Request:
A request to merge code changes from a branch into another branch, commonly used in version control systems like Git.

The practice of storing frequently accessed data in a temporary storage location to improve performance and reduce load times.

154.SOLID Principles:
A set of five design principles (Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, Dependency Inversion) that promote maintainable and modular code.

155.Design Patterns:
Reusable solutions to common programming problems, helping developers create efficient, scalable, and maintainable software.

156.CLI (Command-Line Interface):
A text-based interface used to interact with a computer program by typing commands and receiving text-based responses.

157.Database Index:
A data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval operations on a database table by optimizing the data organization.

158.Third-Party Libraries:
Software components created by external developers that can be incorporated into your own projects to provide specific functionality.

159.API Documentation:
Information provided to developers about how to use an API, including details about available endpoints, parameters, and responses.

160.Cloud Computing:
The delivery of computing services (such as storage, processing power, and databases) over the internet, often on a pay-as-you-go basis.

161.Inversion of Control (IoC):
A design principle where the control of a program's flow is shifted from the application code to an external framework or container.

The ability of a system to handle increased workload or demand by adding resources without significantly affecting performance.

163.Test-Driven Development (TDD):
A development approach where tests are written before the actual code, guiding the implementation and ensuring code correctness.

164.Continuous Deployment (CD):
An extension of continuous integration where code changes are automatically deployed to production environments after passing automated tests.

165.Semantic Web:
A vision of the World Wide Web in which information is structured and linked in a way that is more understandable by computers.

166.Software Framework:
A pre-built structure that provides a foundation for developing software applications, often offering standardized solutions for common tasks.

Software components that facilitate communication and data exchange between different software applications or systems.

168.Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP):
A programming paradigm that focuses on separating cross-cutting concerns, such as logging and security, from the main application logic.

169.Thread Pool:
A collection of worker threads that are managed and reused to execute tasks concurrently, improving performance and resource management.

170.Software Testing:
The process of evaluating a software application to identify defects, ensure its functionality, and verify that it meets requirements.

171.API Gateway:
A server that acts as a single entry point for multiple APIs, providing features like authentication, rate limiting, and request routing.

Software components that act as intermediaries between different software applications, enabling communication and data exchange.

173.IoT (Internet of Things):
The network of physical devices (such as sensors and appliances) connected to the internet, often used to collect and exchange data.

174.Virtual Reality (VR):
A technology that creates a simulated environment, often experienced through a headset, to immerse users in a digital world.

175.Augmented Reality (AR):
Technology that overlays digital information or imagery onto the real-world environment, often experienced through smartphones or smart glasses.

A set of practices that combine development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to improve collaboration, automation, and efficiency in software delivery.

177.CI/CD Pipeline:
A series of automated steps that involve building, testing, and deploying code changes, following continuous integration and continuous deployment practices.

178.Regression Testing:
Re-running previously executed tests to ensure that recent code changes have not introduced new defects or issues.

179.Microservices Architecture:
An architectural style where a large application is broken down into smaller, independent services that communicate through APIs.

180.Machine Learning:
A subset of artificial intelligence that involves training algorithms to improve their performance on a specific task using data and experience.

181.Code Duplication:
The presence of identical or very similar code in multiple places within a codebase, which can lead to maintenance difficulties.

182.Load Balancing:
Distributing incoming network traffic across multiple servers to ensure efficient resource utilization and prevent overload.

The practice of securing communication and data by converting information into a code, making it unreadable without the proper decryption key.

184.Lambda Function:
An anonymous, small, and often single-purpose function used in functional programming or serverless computing.

185.Unit Testing:
Testing individual units or components of a software application in isolation to ensure they work as intended.

An open-source integrated development environment (IDE) primarily used for Java development but also supports other programming languages.

A base-16 number system often used in programming to represent numbers and memory addresses more concisely.

A platform that allows applications to be packaged with all their dependencies, enabling consistent deployment across different environments.

189.JSON (JavaScript Object Notation):
A lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write and easy for machines to parse and generate.

190.SQL (Structured Query Language):
A domain-specific language used for managing and querying relational databases.

191.REST (Representational State Transfer):
A software architectural style that defines a set of constraints for creating scalable web services.

A query language for APIs that enables clients to request specific data from a server, reducing over-fetching or under-fetching of data.

193.Big Data:
Extremely large and complex data sets that require specialized tools and techniques for processing and analysis.

194.Regular Expression (Regex):
A pattern used to match strings or sequences of characters in text, often used for searching, validation, and manipulation.

Data that provides information about other data, often used to describe the characteristics and attributes of files, documents, and resources.

A small computer on a single integrated circuit chip that contains a processor, memory, and input/output peripherals.

197.Agile Manifesto:
A set of guiding values and principles for Agile software development, emphasizing flexibility, collaboration, and customer satisfaction.

198.IDE (Integrated Development Environment):
A software application that provides tools and features to assist programmers in writing, testing, and debugging code.

199.Functional Programming:
A programming paradigm that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids changing state and mutable data.

200.Responsive Web Design:
Designing websites and applications to provide optimal viewing and interaction experiences across a wide range of devices and screen sizes.

A term used to describe code or data structures that can be safely accessed and manipulated by multiple threads simultaneously.

The core part of an operating system that manages hardware resources and provides essential services to other software components.

203.Memory Leak:
A situation where a program fails to release memory it no longer needs, causing the program's memory usage to grow over time.

A design principle where one class or object is composed of or references other classes or objects, forming a larger, more complex structure.

An open-source integrated development environment (IDE) primarily used for Java development but also supports other programming languages.

The process of restructuring and improving code without changing its external behavior, often done to enhance readability and maintainability.

The concept of multiple tasks or processes executing in overlapping time periods, enhancing performance and responsiveness.

208.Binary Search:
An efficient searching algorithm that divides a sorted list in half repeatedly, reducing the search space by half with each comparison.

209.Regression Testing:
Re-running tests to ensure that new code changes have not introduced unexpected side effects or caused existing functionality to break.

210.Version Control System (VCS):
Software that tracks changes to source code over time, facilitating collaboration and managing different versions.

A mechanism in object-oriented programming where a new class can inherit attributes and behaviors from an existing class.

212.Singleton Pattern:
A design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to a single instance and provides a global point of access to that instance.

A programming technique where a function calls itself in order to solve a problem by breaking it down into smaller instances of the same problem.

214.Dependency Injection:
A design pattern where components' dependencies are provided from the outside, improving modularity and testability.

215.IDE (Integrated Development Environment):
A software application that provides tools and features to assist programmers in writing, testing, and debugging code.

216.Software Architecture:
The high-level structure and organization of a software system, including components, relationships, and design decisions.

217.Stack Overflow:
An error that occurs when the call stack exceeds its allocated memory space, often due to an excessive number of nested function calls.

218.API (Application Programming Interface):
A set of predefined functions, classes, and protocols that allow communication between different software components.

219.Waterfall Model:
A traditional software development methodology that follows a linear, sequential approach with distinct phases like requirements, design, implementation, testing, and deployment.

A principle in object-oriented programming where objects of different classes can be treated as objects of a common superclass.

221.Runtime Environment:
The software and hardware infrastructure required for executing a program, including libraries, runtime libraries, and system resources.

222.Distributed Computing:
A field of computer science that involves designing systems that consist of multiple interconnected computers, often working on a shared task.

223.TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol):
A set of protocols that governs how data is transmitted over networks, including the Internet.

224.Code Smell:
An indicator of poor coding practices or potential design issues that can lead to maintenance challenges and bugs.

The practice of storing frequently accessed data in a temporary storage location to improve performance and reduce load times.

226.API Versioning:
The practice of maintaining different versions of an API to ensure compatibility with existing clients while allowing for updates and changes.

A programming technique where multiple threads within a single process run concurrently, sharing the same resources.

A distributed and decentralized digital ledger technology used to securely record and verify transactions across multiple computers.

229.SQL Injection:
A type of security vulnerability where malicious SQL code is inserted into input fields to manipulate a database or gain unauthorized access.

230.Software Framework:
A pre-built structure that provides a foundation for developing software applications, often offering standardized solutions for common tasks.

231.Lambda Expression:
A concise way to represent an anonymous function in programming languages that support functional programming.

The process of restructuring and improving code without changing its external behavior, often done to enhance readability and maintainability.

A region of memory used for dynamic memory allocation, where objects and data structures are stored and managed.

234.IoT (Internet of Things):
The network of physical devices (such as sensors and appliances) connected to the internet, often used to collect and exchange data.

235.Concurrent Programming:
Designing and implementing programs that can handle multiple tasks or processes at the same time, often utilizing parallel processing.

236.Front-End Development:
The creation of user interfaces and interactions in web applications, often involving HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

237.Back-End Development:
The development of server-side logic, databases, and APIs that power web applications and handle data processing.

238.Machine Learning:
A subset of artificial intelligence that involves training algorithms to improve their performance on a specific task using data and experience.

239.Dynamic Programming:
A method of solving complex problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblems and solving each subproblem only once.

An Agile framework for managing complex knowledge work, emphasizing collaboration, adaptability, and iterative progress.

241.Continuous Integration (CI):
A practice where developers integrate their code changes into a shared repository frequently, triggering automated tests and builds.

The practice of protecting computer systems, networks, and data from security breaches, attacks, and unauthorized access.

243.Dependency Injection:
A design pattern where components' dependencies are provided from the outside, improving modularity and testability.

244.Functional Programming:
A programming paradigm that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids changing state and mutable data.

245.Garbage Collection:
An automatic memory management process in programming languages that deallocates memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use.

The process of converting input data into a fixed-size value (hash) using a hash function, commonly used in data structures like hash tables.

247.Inversion of Control (IoC):
A design principle where the control of a program's flow is shifted from the application code to an external framework or container.

248.JIT (Just-In-Time) Compilation:
A compilation technique where code is compiled at runtime, allowing for dynamic optimization and improved performance.

249.KISS Principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid):
A design principle that encourages simplicity and avoiding unnecessary complexity in software solutions.

250.Lambda Function:
An anonymous, small, and often single-purpose function used in functional programming or serverless computing.

Writing code that can generate or modify other code, often used to create reusable templates or automate repetitive tasks.

252.N-Tier Architecture:
A design approach that separates an application into multiple tiers or layers, such as presentation, business logic, and data storage.

253.Observer Pattern:
A design pattern where an object (the observer) maintains a list of its dependents (observers) and notifies them of any changes.

The process of analyzing a string of characters to determine its grammatical structure or meaning, often used in parsing data formats like JSON.

255.Quality Assurance (QA):
The systematic process of ensuring the quality of software by planning, implementing, and executing tests and checks.

256.Regular Expression (Regex):
A pattern used to match strings or sequences of characters in text, often used for searching, validation, and manipulation.

257.Software Architecture:
The high-level structure and organization of a software system, including components, relationships, and design decisions.

258.Turing Complete:
A system or language that can simulate a Turing machine, indicating its ability to perform any computation.

259.Unit Testing:
Testing individual units or components of a software application in isolation to ensure they work as intended.

260.Version Control System (VCS):
Software that tracks changes to source code over time, facilitating collaboration and managing different versions.

261.XML (eXtensible Markup Language):
A markup language used to structure and store data in a format that is both human-readable and machine-parseable.

262.YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language):
A human-readable data serialization format often used for configuration files and data exchange between languages.

263.Zero-Day Exploit:
A security vulnerability that is exploited by attackers on the same day the vulnerability becomes known, before a fix or patch is available.

264.Agile Manifesto:
A set of guiding values and principles for Agile software development, emphasizing flexibility, collaboration, and customer satisfaction.

265.Back-End Development:
The development of server-side logic, databases, and APIs that power web applications and handle data processing.

266.Continuous Deployment (CD):
An extension of continuous integration where code changes are automatically deployed to production environments after passing automated tests.

267.Dynamic Programming:
A method of solving complex problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblems and solving each subproblem only once.

268.Event-Driven Programming:
A programming paradigm where the flow of a program's execution is determined by events, often used in user interfaces and real-time systems.

269.Front-End Development:
The creation of user interfaces and interactions in web applications, often involving HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

270.Graph Database:
A type of database that uses graph structures to store, represent, and query data with nodes, edges, and properties.

271.High-Level Programming Language:
A programming language that is designed to be human-readable and allows for easier abstraction from hardware details.

272.Immutable Data:
Data that cannot be modified after creation, often used to ensure consistency and prevent unintended changes.

A database operation that combines rows from two or more tables based on a related column, used to retrieve data from multiple tables.

A programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), known for its concise syntax and strong type inference.

275.Lambda Expression:
A concise way to represent an anonymous function in programming languages that support functional programming.

276.Machine Learning:
A subset of artificial intelligence that involves training algorithms to improve their performance on a specific task using data and experience.

A container that holds a set of identifiers (such as variables, functions, or classes) to avoid naming conflicts in code.

278.Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
A programming paradigm that organizes data and behaviors into objects, promoting modularity and reusability.

279.Pattern Matching:
A technique used to check if a given sequence of data follows a specific pattern or structure, often used in text processing.

280.Query Language:
A language used to interact with databases and retrieve or manipulate data, such as SQL for relational databases.

281.Race Condition:
A situation in multithreaded or concurrent programming where the order of execution can lead to unexpected or incorrect results.

282.Static Analysis:
The practice of analyzing code without actually executing it, often used to identify issues and potential vulnerabilities.

A sequence of one or more operations treated as a single unit of work in a database, ensuring data consistency and integrity.

284.Unified Modeling Language (UML):
A standardized visual language used to represent and document software system designs and architectures.

The process of checking if data meets certain criteria or adheres to specified rules, often used to ensure data quality.

286.Web Services:
Software systems that allow different applications to communicate and exchange data over the internet using standardized protocols.

A query language used to navigate XML documents and extract specific data from structured content.

288.YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language):
A human-readable data serialization format often used for configuration files and data exchange between languages.

289.Zombie Code:
Code that is no longer in use but remains in the codebase, potentially causing confusion and increasing maintenance effort.

A technique where applications and their dependencies are packaged together in isolated environments (containers) for consistent deployment.

291.MVC (Model-View-Controller):
A design pattern that separates an application into three main components: the model (data and business logic), the view (user interface), and the controller (handles user input).

A base-16 number system often used in programming to represent numbers and memory addresses more concisely.

293.Deep Learning:
A subfield of machine learning that focuses on neural networks with multiple layers, often used for complex pattern recognition.

294.Garbage Collection:
An automatic memory management process in programming languages that deallocates memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use.

295.IDE (Integrated Development Environment):
A software application that provides tools and features to assist programmers in writing, testing, and debugging code.

296.JSON (JavaScript Object Notation):
A lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write and easy for machines to parse and generate.

A programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), known for its concise syntax and strong type inference.

A control structure in programming that allows a set of instructions to be executed repeatedly based on a specified condition.

299.Machine Learning:
A subset of artificial intelligence that involves training algorithms to improve their performance on a specific task using data and experience.

A container that holds a set of identifiers (such as variables, functions, or classes) to avoid naming conflicts in code.

An authentication framework that allows applications to obtain limited access to a user's account on another service, without exposing the user's credentials.

A small software update designed to fix bugs, vulnerabilities, or other issues in an existing software application.

303.Quantum Computing:
A type of computing that leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to perform calculations using qubits instead of traditional bits.

304.Runtime Environment:
The software and hardware infrastructure required for executing a program, including libraries, runtime libraries, and system resources.

In Agile methodologies, a fixed time period (usually 1-4 weeks) during which a team works on a set of planned tasks and delivers a potentially shippable product increment.

A programming technique that allows a program to perform multiple tasks concurrently, improving performance and responsiveness.

A standardized character encoding system that assigns unique numeric codes to characters from various languages and scripts.

308.Virtual Machine:
An emulation of a physical computer that allows multiple operating systems or applications to run on a single physical machine.

A binary instruction format that enables execution of high-performance code on web browsers, bridging the gap between different programming languages and the web.

310.XML (eXtensible Markup Language):
A markup language used to structure and store data in a format that is both human-readable and machine-parseable.

311.YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language):
A human-readable data serialization format often used for configuration files and data exchange between languages.

312.Zero-Day Exploit:
A security vulnerability that is exploited by attackers on the same day the vulnerability becomes known, before a fix or patch is available.

A step-by-step procedure or formula for solving a problem or performing a task, often used in programming and computer science.

An error or flaw in a software program that causes it to behave unexpectedly, produce incorrect results, or crash.

The process of translating human-readable source code into machine-readable code by a compiler.

316.Distributed Computing:
A field of computer science that involves designing systems that consist of multiple interconnected computers, often working on a shared task.

An event that occurs during the execution of a program that disrupts the normal flow of instructions, often requiring special handling.

A pre-built structure or set of libraries that provides a foundation for developing software applications, often including reusable components and best practices.

319.Graceful Degradation:
Designing software or systems to continue functioning at a reduced level of performance or features when some components fail.

A technique that involves using practical, experience-based methods to find solutions or make decisions, often applied in algorithm design.

A mechanism in object-oriented programming where a new class can inherit attributes and behaviors from an existing class.

322.JSON (JavaScript Object Notation):
A lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write and easy for machines to parse and generate.

323.Key-Value Store:
A type of database that stores data as a collection of key-value pairs, enabling efficient retrieval of values using their associated keys.

324.Lambda Expression:
A concise way to represent an anonymous function in programming languages that support functional programming.

325.Memory Leak:
A situation where a program fails to release memory it no longer needs, causing the program's memory usage to grow over time.

A container that holds a set of identifiers (such as variables, functions, or classes) to avoid naming conflicts in code.

327.Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
A programming paradigm that organizes data and behaviors into objects, promoting modularity and reusability.

A principle in object-oriented programming where objects of different classes can be treated as objects of a common superclass.

329.Query Language:
A language used to interact with databases and retrieve or manipulate data, such as SQL for relational databases.

A programming technique where a function calls itself in order to solve a problem by breaking it down into smaller instances of the same problem.

331.Software Design Patterns:
Reusable solutions to common software design problems, helping developers create more maintainable and efficient code.

332.Type Casting:
The process of converting a variable of one data type to another, often used to perform operations that require compatible types.

A standardized character encoding system that assigns unique numeric codes to characters from various languages and scripts.

The process of checking if data meets certain criteria or adheres to specified rules, often used to ensure data quality.

335.Web Services:
Software systems that allow different applications to communicate and exchange data over the internet using standardized protocols.

A query language used to navigate XML documents and extract specific data from structured content.

337.YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language):
A human-readable data serialization format often used for configuration files and data exchange between languages.

338.Zero-Day Exploit:
A security vulnerability that is exploited by attackers on the same day the vulnerability becomes known, before a fix or patch is available.

339.API (Application Programming Interface):
A set of predefined functions, classes, and protocols that allow communication between different software components.

An error or flaw in a software program that causes it to behave unexpectedly, produce incorrect results, or crash.

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